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与 mends 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chapter Thirteen The Reburial on the Way Back:第十三章 归途改葬

第十二章 闻铃哭像 Chapter Twelve Hearing Bells and Mourning the... | 第十三章 归途改葬 Chapter Thirteen The Reburial on the Way Back | 第十四章 补恨重圆 Chapter Fourteen Making A mends and the Lover's ...

take to one's heels:逃之夭夭

Sports is good for life 生命在于运动 | Take to one's heels 逃之夭夭 | Talking mends no holes 空谈无济于事

talks much errs much:语多必失

stumbles and falls not mends his pace.绊了一脚而未跌倒的人 ,一定会走得更快. | talks much errs much.语多必失. | talks much lies much.言多必妄.

He who mistrusts most should be trusted least:最不信任别人的人最不应该得到信任

2272 He that stumbles and falls not mends his pace. 绊... | 2273 He who mistrusts most should be trusted least. 最不信任别人的人最不应该得到信任. | 2274 He must have iron nails that scratches a bear. 搔...

Makes clothes for the body of her wayward boy:游子身上衣

慈母手中线 The thread in the hands of a fond-hearted mother | 游子身上衣 Makes clothes for the body of her wayward boy; | 临行密密缝 Carefully she sews and thoroughly she mends,

Jenny Wren will sing:珍尼.兰会再唱歌

But the day will come 但是好日子总会到来 | Jenny Wren will sing 珍尼.兰会再唱歌 | When this broken world mends its foolish ways 重整破碎的世界

All because of you, Jenny Wren:都是因为你啊, 珍尼.兰

When this broken world mends its foolish ways 重整破碎的世界 | Then we spend our days catching up on life 我们努力去赶上 | All because of you, Jenny Wren 都是因为你啊, 珍尼.兰

第2/2页 首页 < 1 2
She Mends Me
Time Mends A Broken Heart


美子弥勒(miroku)声优:士谷耕史珊瑚(sango) 声优:桑岛法子奈落(naraku) 声优:森川智之杀生丸(sesshoumaru) 声优:成田剑剣玲(rin) 声优:能登麻美子邪见(jaken) 声优:长岛雄一让.雷诺饰演的休伯特(Hubert)是巴黎的一位刑警,

a large number of:许多

31. a number of一些 | 32. a large number of许多 | 33. be successful in business在生意上成功

