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与 lowed 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How many lowed your moments of glad grace:多少人爱你舒心而丰姿绰约的时候

Your eyes had once , and of their shadows deep 也回想 你双... | How many lowed your moments of glad grace, 多少人爱你舒心而丰姿绰约的时候 | And loved your beauty with love false or true; 真假爱不过是为...

No ba thing, f ishing al lowed i n this pond:此池塘禁止游泳,垂钓

No adm ittance 禁止入内 | No ba thing, f ishing al lowed i n this pond 此池塘禁止游泳,垂钓 | No bicycles , police wil l re move 禁止停放自行车,否则警察拖走.


vehicular bridge:行车桥

vehicular border link 边境连接道路 | vehicular bridge 行车桥 | vehicular corridor 行车走廊


近代社会,随着非洲与西方帝国的分裂,非洲的农业正面临着倒退(setback). 欧洲的百万富翁们、军政要员们以及科学家们带来了他们的欧洲谷类(cereal)譬如小麦和玉米,并且认为那些他们所不熟悉的非洲谷类都是劣等作物. 伴随着现代化的包装和广告,

Ave maria/The little drummer boy:聖母頌

1. The first noel 天籟序曲 | 2. Ave maria/The little drummer boy 聖母頌 | 3. When a child is born 小小鼓手