英语人>网络解释>gambled 相关的网络解释

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与 gambled 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Evander never gambled:伊万德从不赌博

Gambling debts,they say. - Gambling?|- 他们说是赌债 - 赌博? | Evander never gambled.|伊万德从不赌博 | Well,sure it's the sort of thing|当然,这样的事情

gamble away:赌输

6.gamble 赌博 | gamble away 赌输.... | He's gambled away all his father's legacy 他把他父亲的遗产全都赌光了

gamble on:对...打赌

He's gambled away all his father's legacy 他把他父亲的遗产全都赌光了 | gamble on....对...打赌 | He gambled on horse races他赌马

gamble: play games of chance for more money; bet; risk:(动)赌博

She has led a desolate life since her husband's death.自... | 3.gamble: play games of chance for more money; bet; risk(动)赌博 | A reckless young man gambled his fortune on a turn of cards in one night...

I have freed my land from the power of Spain:我使我的国土远离了西班牙的威势

I have gambled, and won, alone...我无依无靠,却曾孤注一掷、大... | I have freed my land from the power of Spain,我使我的国土远离了西班牙的威势 | I have gathered in gold from the Spanish Main我也曾聚敛了来...

He gambled and lost:他的赌博失败了

But it slips from his weakened grasp.|海象从他虚弱的爪中溜掉了 | He gambled and lost.|他的赌博失败了 | He would never have attacked such dangerous prey|他不会冒险袭击如此危险的猎物

Carlos gambled with his future:拿...做赌注

禁止(进入,入内)Hugh tells me that the market is off-limits until my French improves. | 拿...做赌注 Carlos gambled with his future. | 干涉 interfere with...Susan interfered with the family reunion.

and gambled it all away:却把钱输了个精光

But being a compulsive gambler, Gluant took the money...|可作为一个疯狂的赌徒 格鲁昂特... | ...and gambled it all away.|...却把钱输了个精光 | So Pang had the motive.|这样一来,庞就有了作案动机

He gambled on horse races:他赌马

gamble on....对...打赌 | He gambled on horse races他赌马 | 4.tempt 动词:引诱

He gambled away all his pay:他把工资都给赌光了

Many social volunteers regularly pay visits to the almshouses. ;许多社工会定期去养 老院看望老人. | He gambled away all his pay. ;他把工资都给赌光了. | payment n.支付的款项; 支付,付款

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I Gambled My Heart


Synthesis: Analog Passive Equalizers=合成: 无源模拟均衡 | Conjugates=变化 | Synthesis: Analog Passive Conjugates=合成:无源模拟变化

atrolactic acid:阿卓乳酸

atroglyceric acid 阿卓甘油酸 | atrolactic acid 阿卓乳酸 | atrolactinic acid 阿卓乳酸


carbing: 大量摄食碳水合物 | carbs: 碳水合物的总称 | circuit training: 巡回训练