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flat country相关的网络解释

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与 flat country 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise cattle:在这平坦的乡间,人们种指小麦,饲养牲畜

812. The place is too stony for farming. 这地方... | 813. In the flat country,people grow wheat and raise cattle. 在这平坦的乡间,人们种指小麦,饲养牲畜. | 814. He has bought 10 tractors for the village....

In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise cattle:在这平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦,饲养牲畜

812. The place is too stony for farming. 这地... | 813. In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise cattle. 在这平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦,饲养牲畜. | 814. He has bought 10 tractors for the village....

In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise cattle:在这平坦乡间,人们种小麦,饲养牲畜

812. The place is too stony for farming. 这地方... | 813. In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise cattle. 在这平坦乡间,人们种小麦,饲养牲畜. | 814. He has bought 10 tractors for the village. 他...

In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise cattle:在这平坦的乡间,人们种小麦

812. The place is too stony for farming. 这地方太多... | 813. In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise cattle. 在这平坦的乡间,人们种小麦, | 814. He has bought 10 tractors for the village. 他为村...

In this flat country people grow rice and raise cattle:在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植水稻,饲养牲畜

Farms and factories 农场与... | 811. In this flat country people grow rice and raise cattle. 在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植水稻,饲养牲畜. | 812. What are the principal farm products in this area? 这个地区...

In this flat country people grow rice and raise cattle:人们种植水稻,饲养牲畜

Farms and factories 农场与工厂 | 811. In this flat country people grow rice and raise cattle.人们种植水稻,饲养牲畜. | 812. What are the principal farm products in this area 这个地区的主要农产品是什...

In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle:在这片平原上,农民种麦子玉米和养牛

811.because of the warm and sunny weather,oran... | 812.in this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle. 在这片平原上,农民种麦子玉米和养牛. - | 813.the ground around here is stony and ...

In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle:在这平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦和玉米,并且养牛

Go bananas. 疯狂. | In this flat country,people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle. 在这平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦和玉米,并且养牛. | grow 种植

In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle:在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦、玉米,并饲养牲畜

811. Because of the warm and sunny we... | 812. In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle. 在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦、玉米,并饲养牲畜. | 813. The ground around here is ston...

In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle:在这土地平坦的乡间, 人们种植小麦、玉米、 并饲养性畜

928. Because of the warm and sunny w... | 929. In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle. ;在这土地平坦的乡间, 人们种植小麦、玉米、 并饲养性畜. | 930. The ground around here is sto...

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The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子