英语人>网络解释>emphasizes 相关的网络解释

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与 emphasizes 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Cincher helps protect, while encouraging proper posture:该cincher有助于保护,同时鼓励适当的姿势

The Cincher is engineered exclusively ... | The Cincher helps protect, while encouraging proper posture该cincher有助于保护,同时鼓励适当的姿势 | Emphasizes spinal alignment and posture through compressi...

该cincher有助于保护,同时鼓励适当的姿势:The Cincher helps protect, while encouraging proper posture

The Cincher is engineered exclusively ... | The Cincher helps protect, while encouraging proper posture该cincher有助于保护,同时鼓励适当的姿势 | Emphasizes spinal alignment and posture through compressi...


19、height 你知道圣保罗大教堂的高度吗? | 20、emphasizes 交通事故的数量突出小心驾驶的必要性. | 1、friendly 这里的人对游客非常友好.

emphasizes co-operation:强调合作

emphasizes competition 强调竞争 | emphasizes co-operation 强调合作 | prefers informal tone 较喜欢非正式的语调

emphasizes competition:强调竞争

places emphasis on harmony 注重协调 | emphasizes competition 强调竞争 | emphasizes co-operation 强调合作

emphasizes the crucial role of:强调XX的关键作用

10、online publication is significant in that... 电子出版物的重要意义在于... | 11、emphasizes the crucial role of...强调XX的关键作用 | 12、sth facilitates public investment in 促进了XX方面的公共投资

c. Emphasizes appropriate points:是否合理强调了重点

b. Appropriate pacing? 语速是否合适? | c. Emphasizes appropriate points? 是否合理强调了重点? | 5) Activities 活动

emphasizes strictly adherence to schedules:严格按照时间表行事

prefers formal tone 较喜欢正式的语调 | is flexible about schedules 不拘泥与时间表 | emphasizes strictly adherence to schedules 严格按照时间表行事

sth facilitates public investment in:促进了XX方面的公共投资

11、emphasizes the crucial role of...强调XX的关键作... | 12、sth facilitates public investment in 促进了XX方面的公共投资 | 13、publication is rendered easier by online service 在线服务使出版更容易(render致...

In occasional case the phrase emphasizes the importance of the phase to the laser:在偶然情况下该短句强调了相位对于激光的重要性

436. The strong man amon... | 437. In occasional case the phrase emphasizes the importance of the phase to the laser. 在偶然情况下该短句强调了相位对于激光的重要性. | 438. Based on the basic case, the ...

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absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

