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与 emperor 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abolishment of Buddhism made by Zhou Wu Emperor:北周武帝废佛

商周古代文明:ancient civilization of Shang and Zhou Dynasty | 北周武帝废佛:Abolishment of Buddhism made by Zhou Wu Emperor | 后周世宗限佛:Restriction of Buddhism done by Zhou Shizong Emperor


旧中国最高封建统治者--"皇帝(Emperor)",即封建君主(Emperor)、独揽大权者(Tzar),为了宣扬其封建统治的合法性,通常自封为真命"天子(a Son of Heaven)",声称"替天行道",实则是为了巩固其"家天下(A Home Under The Sun)"能够千秋万代;

Last emperor:末代皇帝(上)


Moral Ancestor of Obviousness, Emperor of Completion:(显宗成皇帝)

Successful Ancestor of Seriousness, Emperor of Brightness (肃祖明皇帝) | Moral Ancestor of Obviousness, Emperor of Completion (显宗成皇帝) | Emperor of Health (康皇帝)

Moral Ancestor of Obviousness, Emperor of Pious Brightness:(显宗孝明皇帝)

Successful Ancestor of Generation, Emperor of Lighten Arms ... | Moral Ancestor of Obviousness, Emperor of Pious Brightness (显宗孝明皇帝) | Moral Ancestor of Seriousness, Emperor of Pious Constitution...

Moral Ancestor of Piousness, Emperor of Reverence:(孝宗穆皇帝)

Emperor of Health (康皇帝) | Moral Ancestor of Piousness, Emperor of Reverence (孝宗穆皇帝) | Emperor of Sorrow (哀皇帝)

Emperor of Politesse:(恭皇帝)

Moral Ancestor of Burning, Emperor of Pious Arms (烈宗孝武皇帝) | Emperor of Security (安皇帝) | Emperor of Politesse (恭皇帝)

Praise the Emperor and strike down his foes:赞美帝皇!屠戮帝皇之敌

The Emperor protects us. 帝皇保佑吾等 | Praise the Emperor and strike down his foes. 赞美帝皇!屠戮帝皇之敌! | Unloadtransport离开运输工具

Emperor of Pious Overwash:(孝冲皇帝)

Emperor of Pious Obedience (孝顺皇帝) | Emperor of Pious Overwash (孝冲皇帝) | Emperor of Pious Quality (孝质皇帝)

the Hirohito Emperor of Japan:裕仁天皇

元世祖朝:the reign of emperor Yuanshizu | 裕仁天皇:the Hirohito Emperor of Japan | 黄帝之学:the thought of Yellow Emperor

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Dethroned Emperor
Support Your Local Emperor
Emperor's New Horse
Little Emperor
The Emperor's New Clothes
Kill The Emperor
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Emperor's New Clothing
Little Miss Emperor
Emperor Ashoka

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子