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与 emotion 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's so thought provoking Emotion evoking:那些思绪又被唤起

I'm going through changes,I see you again 经过这些变故,我又见到了你 | It's so thought provoking Emotion evoking 那些思绪又被唤起. | I can't turn around,I don't want to pretend 我无法回头,我不能假装....

I'm hunched over, emotion just flows over:<弓着背 情感渐渐溢出>

Hands on my head, touch knees to elbows<手抱着头 肘连膝... | I'm hunched over, emotion just flows over<弓着背 情感渐渐溢出> | These cold shoulders are both frozen, you don't know me<冰冷的肩膀冻结了 ...

but the human emotion is a much more delicate thing:而人的情感则更加脆弱

but the human emotion is a much more delicate thing.|而人的情感则更加脆弱 | take suzy, my first real girlfriend.|比如说Suzy 我第一个真正意义上的女朋友 | my first real breakup,|我第一次伤痛欲决的分手

Always wet by more emotion and pathetic rain:總被多情而感傷的雨

片斷和情節 Occasion and episode | 總被多情而感傷的雨 Always wet by more emotion and pathetic rain | 淋濕 to through

sense an palpitating、regretful and indischargeable emotion:心動埋怨還有不能釋懷

特別在午夜醒來更是會感慨 especailly wake up with sentimental fe... | 心動埋怨還有不能釋懷 sense an palpitating、regretful and indischargeable emotion | 都是因為你觸碰了愛 all of that are because of fing...

Reason prevailed over emotion:理智战胜了情感

Her spoken English has surpassed her teacher's.她的英语口语已超过了她的老师. | Reason prevailed over emotion. 理智战胜了情感. | He topped his class in math. 他的数学全班第一.

drain the cup to the bottom"=experience any emotion, as sorrow or disappoinment:受尽苦难,历尽艰辛

drain 排水沟: | 1."drain the cup to the bottom"=experience any emotion, as sorrow or disappoinment 受尽苦难,历尽艰辛 | The prisoner drained the cup of sorrow to the bottom. 那犯人受尽了苦难.

Unspec behav emotion disord onst usual ocur childhd adoles:未特指的精神障碍

外阴良性肿瘤 Unspec as acute or chronic w'... | 未特指的精神障碍 Unspec behav emotion disord onst usual ocur childhd adoles | 非交通事故公共汽车与其他和未特指机动车辆碰撞造成公共汽车车辆外人员的损伤 Un...

Ot spc behav emotion disord onst usual ocur childhd adoles:起于童年和青少年期的未特指的行为和情绪障碍

骨质疏松 NOS OSTEOPOROSIS UNSPECIFIED | 起于童年和青少年期的未特指的行为和情绪障碍 Ot spc behav emotion disord onst usual ocur childhd adoles | 胆囊结石不伴胆囊炎 Otalgia

Good pace, flowing storylines, a need to invest my emotion and time:喜欢的电影

喜欢的电影Good pace, flowing storylines, a need to invest my emotion and time. | 最近观看的电影Stranger than Fiction | 我听的音乐Electro-Pop-Rock and Grime.

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Show Some Emotion
Sweet Emotion
An Emotion Away
King Of Emotion
One Emotion
Show Some Emotion


美子弥勒(miroku)声优:士谷耕史珊瑚(sango) 声优:桑岛法子奈落(naraku) 声优:森川智之杀生丸(sesshoumaru) 声优:成田剑剣玲(rin) 声优:能登麻美子邪见(jaken) 声优:长岛雄一让.雷诺饰演的休伯特(Hubert)是巴黎的一位刑警,

a large number of:许多

31. a number of一些 | 32. a large number of许多 | 33. be successful in business在生意上成功

