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与 bloodied 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bloodied Ghost:渗血鬼魂

Hag Hedge-Mage 設障巫婆 15 | Bloodied Ghost 渗血鬼魂 | Spitemare 怨駒

Bloodied Claws:嗜血之爪

-Chipped Bell 破损的铃铛 | -Bloodied Claws 嗜血之爪 | Restless Defender 不休的卫兵

Skullsmasher da Bloodied:染血者史卡爾麥夏

Skullder 史庫德 | Skullsmasher da Bloodied 染血者史卡爾麥夏 | Skulltaker Banner 霸顱旗幟

Seven bloodied hopes:七个血腥的心愿

Seven downward slopes七条向下的坡道 | Seven bloodied hopes七个血腥的心愿 | Seven are your burning fires七是你燃烧的火焰

A mouth just bloodied:刚刚流过血的嘴

像某张嘴的皮 like the skin of a mouth. | 刚刚流过血的嘴. A mouth just bloodied. | 血迹斑斑的小裙子! Little bloody skirts!

Not a ghost bloodied country:并不是故土

What had he to lose 他所必须失去的 | Not a ghost bloodied country 并不是故土 | All covered with sleep 并不是那沉睡的故土

They're the ones that, when our men are blown to bits in the middle of a gun battle:当我们的士兵血肉横飞的时候

nowhere near the best and the brig... | They're the ones that, when our men are blown to bits in the middle of a gun battle,|当我们的士兵血肉横飞的时候 | say shit like, "The enemy has bloodied our nose...

Bloodied Up

vehicular bridge:行车桥

vehicular border link 边境连接道路 | vehicular bridge 行车桥 | vehicular corridor 行车走廊


近代社会,随着非洲与西方帝国的分裂,非洲的农业正面临着倒退(setback). 欧洲的百万富翁们、军政要员们以及科学家们带来了他们的欧洲谷类(cereal)譬如小麦和玉米,并且认为那些他们所不熟悉的非洲谷类都是劣等作物. 伴随着现代化的包装和广告,

Ave maria/The little drummer boy:聖母頌

1. The first noel 天籟序曲 | 2. Ave maria/The little drummer boy 聖母頌 | 3. When a child is born 小小鼓手