英语人>网络解释>be caught in 相关的网络解释
be caught in相关的网络解释

查询词典 be caught in

与 be caught in 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be caught in a heavy snow:遇到大雪

be caught in a heavy shower 遇到瓢泼大雨 | be caught in a heavy snow 遇到大雪 | be caught in a heavy storm 遇到风暴

be caught in the rain:淋雨

be caught doing 被发现做某事 | be caught in the rain 淋雨 | catch a cold 伤风,感冒

We must speed up in order not to be caught in the rain:得赶快走,以便不被雨截住

5.We invited the imperpretors in order to make foreign visit... | 6.We must speed up in order not to be caught in the rain.得赶快走,以便不被雨截住. | 7.I took the par-time job in order to learn more a...

be caught in:遇到,陷入

72 be capable of 有能力干; | 73 be caught in 遇到,陷入 | 101 be tied to 束缚于,捆绑于

be caught in crossfire:遭遇交叉火力

以尖叫声起哄(嘲笑) catcall | 遭遇交叉火力 be caught in crossfire | 丧子的母亲悲不自胜. Sorrow caught the bereaved mother.

be caught in the storm:赶上风暴

四层楼的住宅 a house of four storeys | 赶上风暴 be caught in the storm | 对...要求严格 be strict with sb. in sth.

be caught in the storm:碰上暴风雨

be ashamed of sth. 对......感到难为情 | be caught in the storm 碰上暴风雨 | be considered as 被看作

be caught in a snowstorm:遭遇到暴风雪

pick up拾起.../接某人 | be caught in a snowstorm遭遇到暴风雪 | be caught on被...钩住

be caught in a snowstorm:遭遇到暴风雪be caught on被...钩住

25. pick up拾起.../接某人 | 26. be caught in a snowstorm遭遇到暴风雪be caught on被...钩住 | 27. on the edge of a mountain在大山边缘

be caught in a heavy storm:遇到风暴

be caught in a heavy snow 遇到大雪 | be caught in a heavy storm 遇到风暴 | of sb = turn a deaf ear to sb对......不予理睬

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corpse pearls:屍體珍珠

coronet setting 冠式鑲嵌 | corpse pearls 屍體珍珠 | Corsican green 科西嘉綠

ROMULUS, Nicole:尼科尔.罗米吕斯

ROMULO, Roberto;罗伯托.罗穆洛;; | ROMULUS, Nicole;尼科尔.罗米吕斯;; | rondas campesinas;乡村巡逻队;RCs;

control unit:控制器

2.控制器 控制器(Control Unit)是计算机中指令的解释和执行结构,其主要功能是控制运算器、存储器、输入输出设备等部件协调动作. 控制器工作时,从存储器取出一条指令,并指出下一条指令所在的存放地址,然后对所取出指令进行分析,