英语人>网络解释>aside from 相关的网络解释
aside from相关的网络解释

查询词典 aside from

与 aside from 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gather; assemble; congregate:聚

日本 Japan | 聚 gather; assemble; congregate | 除了 except; aside from; in addition to

Are you wearing your dog tag, Herr Kolnas:你戴着你的狗牌吗,科纳斯先生

Aside from eating my sister, nothing.|除了吃... | Are you wearing your dog tag, Herr Kolnas?|你戴着你的狗牌吗,科纳斯先生? | Many people look like me. Are you sure you have the right person?|很多人和我长...

get over with:把......搞清楚

20) ...aside from... 除了...... | 22) ...get ... over with ... 把......搞清楚 | 23) commentary on current events 时事评论

Purgatory unleashed:在罪惡中釋放

I cast aside my chains Fall from reality 我在真實裡掙脫枷鎖 | Purgatory unleashed 在罪惡中釋放 | Now burn the face of the earth 焚燬這世界的假面

no joke:不是搞笑

Oh, no. No, no, no.|哦,没有,没有,没有 | No joke.|不是搞笑 | Then what else aside from being French|那么除了我是法国人之外

I've got a good feeling about it. Our man Hearn was jazzed:我觉得不错,赫恩曾玩过爵士乐

Aside from that Reuben hiccup, I think it went pr... | I've got a good feeling about it. Our man Hearn was jazzed.|我觉得不错,赫恩曾玩过爵士乐 | I don't know if you noticed. I think he was pretty excit...

A series of tosses:一串小抛

Artistic Value 艺术值 | A series of tosses 一串小抛 | Aside from hands 除手以外

Basically like diaper rash:像是衣物过敏

Aside from not ringworm.|不是癣是什么? | Basically like diaper rash.|像是衣物过敏 | He's been working around the clock.|他一直工作没停过

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corpse pearls:屍體珍珠

coronet setting 冠式鑲嵌 | corpse pearls 屍體珍珠 | Corsican green 科西嘉綠

ROMULUS, Nicole:尼科尔.罗米吕斯

ROMULO, Roberto;罗伯托.罗穆洛;; | ROMULUS, Nicole;尼科尔.罗米吕斯;; | rondas campesinas;乡村巡逻队;RCs;

control unit:控制器

2.控制器 控制器(Control Unit)是计算机中指令的解释和执行结构,其主要功能是控制运算器、存储器、输入输出设备等部件协调动作. 控制器工作时,从存储器取出一条指令,并指出下一条指令所在的存放地址,然后对所取出指令进行分析,