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around here相关的网络解释

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与 around here 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is my candy bar around here:我剩下的糖还在吗

Okay, everybody, let's go.|好了,大伙儿,走吧 | Is my candy bar around here?|我剩下的糖还在吗? | No, you ate it all.|没了,你吃完了

Those kinds of requests fall on deaf ears around here:请求一般不予处理

5. He seems to think we're a good match.他好像认为我们是... | 6. Those kinds of requests fall on deaf ears around here.请求一般不予处理 | 7. Do not ler her come in here under any circumstance(情况).无论...

Those kinds of requests fall on deaf ears around here:很生动的说法

5. Sexual predation between cellmates. Predation. 掠... | 6. Those kinds of requests fall on deaf ears around here. 很生动的说法. | 7. Do not let her come in here under any circumstances. 无论如何别让...

Most people around here fit into the first category:[这里的大多数人都属于第一类]

You know, naughty or nice. [你知道嘛 粗俗或者和善] | Most people around here fit into the first category, [这里的大多数人都属于第一类] | but,you,betty, [但你 Betty]

and a shitload of money|all around here:并且这儿有他妈一堆的钱

Ha! This place is like|a Las Vegas casino.|这个地方还真有点儿... | and a shitload of money|all around here.|并且这儿有他妈一堆的钱 | The only difference is|nobody here ever has any fun.|唯一的区别就是没...

sneaking around here:没有偷偷摸摸地

Are you sure your guys haven't been...|你确定你的人... | ...sneaking around here?|没有偷偷摸摸地... | And smoking?|吸烟吗?

stick around here:逗留在这附近

42. stay on here 继续呆在这里 | 43. stick around here 逗留在这附近 | 44. the buck stops here 责无旁贷

Not around here, though. Not around Linwood at all:她不在这儿 不在林伍德

It's just... my mom's a nurse.|-哇哈哈! -只是...我的母亲是个护士 | Not around here, though. Not around Linwood at all.|她不在这儿 不在林伍德 | Yeah, anyways, it was bullshit.|是的不管怎样都是废话

instead of moping around here every day:(我宁愿出来找工作)

153.__________________________ _______ (工人们的要求是适... | 154._________________________ _______ (我宁愿出来找工作)instead of moping around here every day. | 155. Now _____________________________ (需...

Does it feel weird around here now:你会不会觉得怪怪的

Damn it!|讨厌 | Does it feel weird around here now?|你会不会觉得怪怪的? | You know, since I've been away at college?|自从我不在学校

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Hang Around Here
Life Around Here
You Need A Man Around Here
Somewhere Around Here
Nothin' Goin' Wrong Around Here
Around Here
Don't Come Around Here
Don't You Come Around Here
Around Here Somewhere
Don't Come Around Here

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子