英语人>网络解释>also 相关的网络解释
与 also 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is also a basketball player on the school team:他也是校人的一名篮球运动员

-He is a teacher.他是一个老师. | 5. He is also a basketball player on the school team. 他也是校人的一名篮球运动员. | also, too和either的辨析.


also 也 | also-ran 失败者 | alsoran 落选者

also-ran:落选之马, 败者, 落选者

also | 也, 同样 | also-ran | 落选之马, 败者, 落选者 | Alsop drying oven | 阿耳索普干燥(烘)箱

a.He speaks not only English,but also French:他不仅说英语,还说法语

2.not only只能连用,而but also既可连用,也可... | a.He speaks not only English,but also French.他不仅说英语,还说法语. | b.Television is not only boring,but it also wastes a lot of time.电视不仅乏味,而且...

(not only ....but also...)She is not only good at drawing, but also excellent in singing:他不但擅长画画,唱歌也很棒

2.他很喜欢学校生活,信不信由你. (believ... | 3.他不但擅长画画,唱歌也很棒. (not only ....but also...)She is not only good at drawing, but also excellent in singing. | 4.他们因为坐不起了出租车而步行. (aff...

not only...but also... he is not only humorous,but also patient:他不仅幽默,而且还很有耐心

86.no wonder... you eat so little.no wonder you ... | 87.not only...but also... he is not only humorous,but also patient.他不仅幽默,而且还很有耐心. | 88.not...until... don't leave me until the seas ru...

need resipiscence, also corrections:要認錯,也要改錯

要道歉,也要道謝; need apologize, also thank; | 要認錯,也要改錯; need resipiscence, also corrections; | 要體貼,也要體諒; need obliging, also considerate;

Shall resipiscence, also shall correct:要認錯,也要改錯

要道歉,也要道謝;Shall Sorry, also shall thanks | 要認錯,也要改錯;Shall resipiscence, also shall correct | 要體貼,也要體諒;Shall show consideration for...., also shall be considerate of...

Samhain, also known as All Hallows' Eve, also known as Halloween.|Samhain:也被称为万圣节前夕 也被称为万圣节

-You mean Samhain? -What?|你是说Sam... | Samhain, also known as All Hallows' Eve, also known as Halloween.|Samhain 也被称为万圣节前夕 也被称为万圣节 | Pre-dating Christianity, the Celtic holiday...|基督...

Wild Lily Also Has Spring:野百合也有春天

载野百合也有春天 (Wild Lily Also Has Spring)彩铃:↓ 立即将野百合也有春天 (Wild Lily Also Has Spring)彩铃下载到手机操作步骤:恭喜您把野百合也有春天 (Wild Lily Also Has Spring)彩铃下载到手机温馨提示:彩铃下载服务同时支持中国移动和中国联通手机,

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The Sun Also Sets
Also Frightened
The Boredom Is The Reason I Started Swimming. It's Also The Reason I Started Sinking
They Also Mourn Who Do Not Wear Black (For The Homeless In Muskegon)

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子