英语人>网络解释>alert 相关的网络解释

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与 alert 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

air alert:对空警戒

瞄准 aiming; gun laying | 对空警戒 air alert | 对空警戒任务 air alert mission

air alert mission:对空警戒任务

对空警戒 air alert | 对空警戒任务 air alert mission | 航委员会气垫船 air cushion boat; CAB

Alert color:警告颜色

alert category 警报类别 | alert color 警告颜色 | alert condition 警报条件

Nuclear-armed bombers were on the alert during the crisis:核武装轰炸机在危机期间处于警戒状态

5.on the alert : 警戒,防备着(危险... | Passengers on buses should be on the alert against pick-pockets. ... | Nuclear-armed bombers were on the alert during the crisis. 核武装轰炸机在危机期间处于警戒状态.

be on the alert:注意 提防 警戒

be on the alert 注意; 提防; 警戒 | put on the alert (军队)处于戒备状态 | alert to do 留心做

put on the alert:(军队)处于戒备状态

be on the alert 注意; 提防; 警戒 | put on the alert (军队)处于戒备状态 | alert to do 留心做

on red alert:应急状态

Yellow alert (空袭)预备警报 | Blue alert(预备警报后的)空袭警报;台风警报 | on red alert 应急状态

red alert, orange alert:红色警报、橙色警报

公路停运:All the bus service has been halted. | 红色警报、橙色警报:red alert, orange alert | 1. paralyze 使瘫痪,使麻痹

Contact Alert Window Options Contact Alert Window Options:聯絡鬧鈴視窗選項

Contact Alert Contact Alert 聯絡鬧鈴 | Contact Alert Window Options Contact Alert Window Options 聯絡鬧鈴視窗選項 | Contact List: Contact List: 聯絡表﹕

注意的 vet.向报警:alert a

alert n.警戒(状态), 戒备(状态);报警 | alert a.警觉的,留神的,注意的 vet.向报警,使警惕; 使认识到 | Sirens sounded the alert for an air raid. ;空袭报警的警笛响起来.

第1/34页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Red Alert
Red Alert
Red Alert
Alert Status Red
Amber Alert
Intruder Alert
Blue Alert
Insecurity Alert
Red Alert
Red Alert

spirit varnish:挥发清漆

spirit stove 酒精炉 | spirit varnish 挥发清漆 | spirit 烈性酒

breechblock bushing:炮闩轴衬

breech-loading | 后膛装填的, 后装式的 | breechblock bushing | 炮闩轴衬 | breechblock | 尾栓, 闩体, 螺体


Agreeing 同意 | Disagreeing 不同意 | Focusing attention 集中注意力