英语人>网络解释>abuse 相关的网络解释

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与 abuse 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


诚如该研究所言, 区网处理的绝大多数网路误用 (Abuse) 案例, 也都是等到他们被通知时,才了解到: 未安诚如该研究所言, 区网处理的绝大多数网路误用 (Abuse) 案例, 也都是等到他们被通知时,才了解到: 未安

child abuse:儿童

39题具体涉及"虐待儿童"(child abuse). 根据因果关系和平行关系的答题思路,考生应该选择选项A(incidence /发生,影响). 注意选项D(普及;受)不对,因为我们生活的社会中,"虐待儿童"(child abuse)并不是普遍现象和社会的主流. 选用D就太夸张了.

sexual abuse:性虐待

是指"对儿童有义务抚养、监管及有操纵权的人做出的足以对儿童的健康、生存、生长发育及尊严造成实际的或潜在的伤害行为",根据行为者的行为方式及主观意志,又可将儿童伤害大致分为躯体虐待(Physical Abuse)、情感虐待(Emotional Abuse)、性虐待(Sexual Abuse)和忽视(Child

Anonymity Abuse:匿名滥用

药物滥用:Drug Abuse | 匿名滥用:Anonymity Abuse | 可卡因成瘾:cocaine abuse

abuse of flag of truce:滥用休战旗

Abuse of Dependence-Producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centers Act, No. 41 of 1971;滥用产生依赖性物质和设立康复中心法, 197... | abuse of flag of truce;滥用休战旗;; | abuse of human rights;侵犯人权...

horrifying abuse:可怕的虐待

foul-mouthed abuse 下流的谩骂 | horrifying abuse 可怕的虐待 | personal abuse 人身攻击

Topics examined in Elder Abuse and Mistreatment include:课题研究在关注虐老和虐待包括

Topics examined in Elder Abuse and Mistreatment include:课题研究在关注虐老和虐待包括: | abuse reporting statutes滥用举报章程 | the roles of agencies involved in abuse investigations角色的机构涉及滥用...

abuse of tax shelter:滥用避税项目 abuse of tax shelter 滥用避税项目

21 1 abuse 滥用职权 abuse 滥用职权 | 22 1 abuse of tax shelter 滥用避税项目 abuse of tax shelter 滥用避税项目 | 23 1 ACCA 特许公认会计师公会 ACCA 特许公认会计师公会

foul-mouthed abuse:下流的谩骂

crying abuse 亟待根除的弊端 | foul-mouthed abuse 下流的谩骂 | horrifying abuse 可怕的虐待

He said that he had experienced a lot of verbal abuse from his co-workers:他说他已经从他的同事那里听到了许多骂人的话

He greeted me with a hail of abuse.他一... | He said that he had experienced a lot of verbal abuse from his co-workers.他说他已经从他的同事那里听到了许多骂人的话. | She shouted a stream of abuse at him...

第1/32页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Incarnated Solvent Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Abuse Of SID
Abuse Of SID
Don't Abuse Me
A Little Bit Of Abuse
Abuse, Part 1 (There Is Pain Involved)
Abuse, Part 2 (Confessions)
Don't Abuse Me
Abuse Me

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子