英语人>网络例句>褶 相关的搜索结果

与 褶 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This fold is an anticline and that one is a syncline. a fold has two limb s.


This fold is an anticline and that one is a syncline. a fold has two limbs .


Lim can do simple, as demonstrated by a pair of high-waisted, pleated slacks, but he can also do complex: the crepe de chine blouse paired with those pants came with delicate sleeves of pleated tulle.


Salt Dome is a mushroom-shaped or plug-shaped diapir made of salt , commonly having an overlying cap rock .


Article fight Process ; processing pressure folds the project has all kinds of cloth, doll clothes, toys, handbags, leather, PU isobaric convolution, deconvolution process pressure, including I-pleated, herringbone pleated, pineapple convolution, deconvolution toothpicks, bamboo fold, Pai convolution, senior crafts solar convolution, deconvolution chaos and so on, through high-temperature steam furnace stereotypes.


On the basis of plan form and crosscutting relationship of the faults, two kinds of tectonic systems were developed in Wu-Xia area, one was strike north-east, and another was strike east-west, the first was developed early and control the structural framework of Wu-Xia area, after that three times longitudinal compress action was happed. According to the intensity of tectonic deformation, The Wu-xia faulted zone from north to south can be divided into the thrust faulted belt, the fault fold belt and the monocline belt. from east to west have three regulatory faults, Wuerhe fault fold belt, Wuxia thrust faulted belt and Xiahong fault fold belt. Base on that 9 secondary structural unit can be divided.Structural accommodation zone and the distribution of reservoir strata have intimate business connection. Usually, Structural accommodation zone was the source zone of arenaceous sediment. The Wu-xia faulted zone have 3 kinds of structural accommodation, concordant approach, concordant overlap and concordant colinearity.


Results The estimated heritabilities of each item were from 0.59 to 0.87 after adjusting for age.The heritabilities of triceps skinfolds,subscapular skinfolds,sum of triceps and subscapular skinfolds and body fat percent were the lowest in preadolescent period in the boys(0.55,0.62,0.53,0.51,respectively) and the lowest in lateadolescent period in girls(0.53,0.43,0.24,0.40,respectively).In the course of adolescence,the heritabilities of lean body mass increased steadily in both boys and girls.

结果 全部双生子分性别校正年龄后,各指标遗传度在0.59~0.87之间;不同发育期各指标遗传度存在差异,肱三头肌皮、肩胛下皮、2处皮厚度之和、体脂百分比的遗传度男生在青春期前期最低,分别为0.55,0.62,0.53,0.51,女生在青春期晚期最低,分别为0.53,0.43,0.24,0.40;男、女瘦体重遗传度随青春期发育进程呈增加趋势。

The heritabilities of triceps skinfolds,subscapular skinfolds,sum of triceps and subscapular skinfolds and body fat percent were the lowest in preadolescent period in the boys(0.55,0.62,0.53,0.51,respectively) and the lowest in lateadolescent period in girls(0.53,0.43,0.24,0.40,respectively).In the course of adolescence,the heritabilities of lean body mass increased steadily in both boys and girls.

结果 全部双生子分性别校正年龄后,各指标遗传度在0.59~0.87之间;不同发育期各指标遗传度存在差异,肱三头肌皮、肩胛下皮、2处皮厚度之和、体脂百分比的遗传度男生在青春期前期最低,分别为0.55,0.62,0.53,0.51,女生在青春期晚期最低,分别为0.53,0.43,0.24,0.40;男、女瘦体重遗传度随青春期发育进程呈增加趋势。

The apoptosis induced by extract of Russula subnigricans Hongo was investigated in little white rat liver and kidney cells by agarose gel electrophoresis.The result showed that agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA extracted from poisoned little white rat liver and kidney cellsrevealed typical 180 ~ 200bp integer-fold "ladder" bands.

亚稀黑菇提取液能诱导小白鼠肝肾细胞凋亡,亚稀黑菇提取液诱导肝肾细胞凋亡是亚稀黑菇中毒后机体病变死亡的重要表现形式之一 5。

Gathers: Never press over gathers but instead, using the tip of the iron, press into the gathers , taking care not to press over the stitching.


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I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
