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By collecting ,testing, comparing, and analyzing the soil samples, soil recovery under the various recovery conditions along Mian CountyNingqiang highway was studied. The results were as follows herbaceous recovery to the soil fertility recovery in the prior was greater than the combination of grass and irrigation or than the pure bushes recovery. In each of them, the content of organic matter were 13.84, 7.50, 6.00 g·kg-1; In the recovery of herbaceous ecology, to grow leguminous plant and granminaceous plant together was better than pure graninaceous plant or pure leguminous plant. In each of them, the content of organic matter was 29.67, 17.51, 9.37 g·kg-1; to sow ryegrass and alfalfa together with some local grass seeds or to grow coxcomb, alfalfa and local couch grass together could bring better effects than to plant the alfalfa only. In each of them the increased organic matter contents were 4.93,17.51 and 9.37 g·kg-1;the quotas of the organic matter and alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen in soil fetility factor were closely connected, mainly because of the difference between the generation quantity and resolution quantity of the organic matter in the soil surface.

采集土壤样品,经室内分析化验,用对比分析的方法对勉县至宁强高速公路生态恢复中不同恢复类型条件下的土壤恢复进行了研究,结果表明草本恢复类型对前期土壤肥力的恢复作用大于草灌结合,并大于单纯灌木恢复类型,其中有机质含量分别为13.84、7.50和6.00 g·kg-1;在草本生态恢复类型中,豆科植物与禾本科植物混播恢复类型大于禾本科植物恢复类型的作用,并大于单纯豆科植物恢复类型的作用,其中有机质含量分别为29.67、17.51和9.37 g·kg-1;黑麦草与苜蓿混播并有当地草种入侵以及小冠花与苜蓿混播并播入当地草种羊茅,明显优于纯苜蓿单播,其中有机质含量分别增加了4.93和3.32 g·kg-1;土壤肥力因子中有机质与碱解氮两个指标有较好的相关性,主要与土壤表层有机质的生成量和分解量之差有关。

With the analysis of Quaternary geological environmental evolution, the riverbed overburden is classified as alluvium, river fluvial aggradation, glaciation aggradation, periglacial solifluctional aggradation, gravity aggradation, lacustrine aggradation and diluvium aggradation.


Dither Duty Cycle Examples Pre-Dithered Data 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 1 6/7 4/5 3/4 5/7 2/3 3/5 4/7 Duty Cycle Pre-Dithered Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1/2 3/7 2/5 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/7 0 Duty Cycle Display Types 显示类型 The LCD controller supports 3 types of LCD drivers: 4-bit dual scan, 4-bit single scan, and 8-bit single scan display mode.

LCD 控制器支持 3 种类型的 LCD 驱动器:4 位双扫描,4 位单扫描和 8 位单扫描显示模式。

The acquirement and expression of knowledge include two aspects: the first is that the spectrum knowledge of each land use type is automatically obtained from old land use map matched and overlain with remote sensing images; the other is that the changing knowledge of land use types are collected and analyzed, and changed into prior knowledge and probability.


The green stem, big leaf, few branch, mauve flower type and the purple stem, big leaf, few branch, purple flower type were classified into one class. The green stem, small leaf, multibranch, mauve flower type, the green stem, big leaf, multibranch, purple flower type, the green stem, small leaf, multibranch, mauve flower type, and the purple stem, small leaf, multibranch, purple flower type were classified into another class.Conclusion The artificially cultivated S.


Results from superposing the levels of social-economic development for urban and rural areas indicate that 5 categories of regional development mode can be identified. At last, according to different level of economic development of each category, the paper discusses the mode and puts forward the emphasis for each category of new village movement


The group's principal products include various kinds of single-head and multi-heads deep soil methed mixing pile machine, track drilling jumbo, static pressure pile machine, hammer pile machine, complex pile machine, screw pile machine, diaphragm wall drill machine for SMW method, rotatory drill machine, slurry pump, mortar pump, tap, drill rod, drill head, drill tool, construction material as well as textile machine and textile.


If the body of L is a statement block, if the set formed by the types of the expressions in the block's return statements contains exactly one type to which each type in the set is implicitly convertible, and if that type is not the null type, then that type is the inferred return type of L .

如果 L 的主体是一个声明块,且如果这套由表达式类型格式化的在该声明块中的返回声明包含确实的一种类型,并且这套类型中每个类型都是可以被隐式转换的,再且那类型不为 null 类型,那么类型可以从 L 的返回类型所推断的。

The purpose of this research is to discuss the decision of negotiation types and processes. The conponents of the decision-making of each transaction include "the counterpart" and "the deal". The Potential Value of Social Transaction and The Potential Value of Economic Transaction can distinguish between the "quasi-economic man" and the "quasi-social man", two different types of psychological construction. This research makes a point of dyad according to a quasi-economic man and a quasi-social man which can distinguish among three different dyadic decisions of negotiation types:the dyadic decision of negotiation type between a quasi-economic man and a quasi-economic man, the dyadic decision of negotiation type between a quasi-social man and a quasi-social man, and the dyadic decision of negotiation type between a quasi-economic man and a quasi-social man.

摘要 本研究旨在探讨谈判决策类型与过程之研究,交易双方在谈判时不只会考虑交易事物「事」,也会考虑交易对象「人」,本研究以社会交易潜在价值和经济交易潜在价值所表现出的交易权衡模式,把个人区分为准经济人与准社会人两种不同类型的人,本研究旨在分析谈判双方如何讨价还价达成交易的过程,特别重视二位体的观念,根据准经济人决策权衡模式与准社会人决策权衡模式的组合区分出准经济人与准经济人的二位体谈判决策类型(A-1类型);准社会人与准社会人的二位体谈判决策类型(A-2类型);准经济人与准社会人二位体谈判决策类型等三种不同的类型

The result would be used in tobacco breeding.4 SRAP technology is used to study the genetic differences among different types of tobacco, including flue-cured tobacco, oriental tobacco, maryland tobacco, burley tobacco, and air/sun cured tobacco, five pairs of primer combinations which can amplify characteristic bands has been screened. Among the five combinations, two of them (SF25*SR2 and SF3*SR26) can distinguish air-cured tobacco including maryland tobacco and Burley tobacco from the other cultivated forms; SF20*SR14 can distinguish sun cured tobacco including oriental tobacco and sun-cured tobacco; SF16*SR14 can distinguish flue-cured tobacco and air-cured tobacco, and SF22*SR14 can distinguish DBJ599 with specisl aroma and the other flue-cured tobacco.5 8 varieties , which represent the different types of tobacco, are divided into 3 groups. I: G-28, II:DBJ599、MD40、By21, III: Basma、Sumsun、XNS、QCT. The cluster analysis result es consistant with experience evatuation.6 Anorthogonal design was used to optimize a ILP-PCR system with 5 factors (DNA, Mg2+, dNTP, primer and Taq polymerase) at 4 levels.The result showed the optimized ILP-PCR system for Nicotiana tabacum L. was: 2uL10×PCRbuffer, 20ng template DNA, Mg2+ 2.0mmol/L, dNTP 150umol/L, primer 0.3umol/L, Taq DNA polymerase 1 U in a total of 20uL reactionsolution.

研究结果可作为烤烟与香料烟类型间的杂种鉴定利用的实验与理论依据。4、利用SRAP标记技术,研究和分析了烤烟、晒烟、晾烟、白肋烟、香料烟等不同栽培类型间的基因型差异,初步筛选出了能够在分子水平上反映不同烟草类型差异的特征性标记带:晾烟MD40、Ky17、Burley21、TN90基因型共有的特征带有两对引物组合,分别为SF25*SR2和SF3*SR26;晒烟小牛舌、青梗、小花青和香料烟Sumsun、komotini Basma、Xanthi Basma共有的特征带引物组合为SF20*SR14;NC89、K326、G-28、大白筋和MD40、Ky17、Burley21、TN90共有的特征带引物组合为SF16*SR14,烤烟中大白筋599的特征带引物组合SF22*SR14.5、利用61对SRAP引物组合,研究了普通烟草不同类型间的亲缘关系,将普通烟草类型间8个不同供试材料划分为3类别。I:烤烟类型G-28II:白肋烟类型(MD40、By21、大白筋599III:香料烟类型(Basma、Sumsun、小牛舌、千层塔)。

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The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
