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与 短暂地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A country in the Apennines near the Adriatic Sea. It is surrounded by Italy and is the world's smallest republic. According to tradition, it was founded in the fourth century a.d. and has succeeded, with a few brief interruptions, in maintaining its independence because of its relative inaccessibility.

圣马利诺:世界上最小的共和国,位于亚平宁山脉靠近亚得里亚海沿岸,周围被意大利环抱,传统上认为它建于公元 4世纪,并且因为它相对难以接近,而成功地保持了独立,有几次短暂地失去独立。

After breakfast, and a brief rest, it's time to head to school. Ciel comments happily that it was nice to be able to eat a meal like a family.


It is true to like a glance momentarily clearheadedly: Assemble to break up do not have frequently, life and death sometimes, however, select definite attitude after all, a kind of optimistic fantasy, perhaps, share degree remaining years finally, it is still us.


One hour of right down , love is worth an age of dully living.


And a festival shall be kept for King PTOLEMY, THE EVER-LIVING, THE BELOVED OF PTAH, THE GOD EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS, yearly in the temples throughout the land from the 1st of Thoth for five days, in which they shall wear garlands and perform sacrifices and libations and the other usual honours, and the priests in each temple shall be called priests of the GOD EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS in addition to the names of the other gods whom they serve; and his priesthood shall be entered upon all formal documents and engraved upon the rings which they wear; and private individuals shall also be allowed to keep the festival and set up the aforementioned shrine and have it in their homes; performing the aforementioned celebrations yearly, in order that it may be known to all that the men of Egypt magnify and honour the GOD EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS the king, according to the law.

在之后的两百多年间,罗塞塔石碑仅曾短暂地离开过大英博物馆一次——1917年时,接近尾声的第一次世界大战战火蔓延,由于博物馆方面担心伦敦遭受到激烈的轰炸而损伤古物,因此将一批包括有罗塞塔石碑、较为轻便容易搬移的重要古物,偷偷藏匿在霍本一带深达地下50英尺的地下铁车站中,为期两年。直至大战结束恢复和平后,才将古物移回博物馆继续展览。不过,并不是全世界的人们都很乐意见到罗塞塔石碑被保存在大英博物馆中,例如设址于开罗的埃及古物最高委员会(Supreme Council of Antiquities,是埃及文化部的下辖组织之一)主秘、也是知名埃及考古学家的札希·哈瓦斯博士(Dr。 Zahi Hawass)就曾公开呼吁英国应该将罗塞塔石碑归还给它真正的归属地、埃及,因为这块石碑是埃及文明的重要象征。

My butterfly was down there somewhere, hovering above the trees, distant and only fleetingly attainable.


Get out of bed and your comfort zone, build a new dream, have a short cry and a good laugh with a friend, and one day you'll sing about how you got over the blues too.


Blown, gasping, out of breath, panting, pursy, winded short

a。 短的,矮的adv。短暂地;突然地,急地

Blown, gasping, out of breath, panting, pursy, winded

a。 短的,矮的adv。短暂地;突然地,急地

She burned for two hours without changing, without swaying or kneeling-only glowing within, like a boiling fire glimpsed through silhouetted walls, like a hollow saint, like a flame-faced virgin gone to God, while I read by her light, kindled while Rimbaud in Paris burnt out his brain in a thousand poems, while night pooled wetly at my feet.


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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
