英语人>网络例句>改善 相关的搜索结果


与 改善 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that compared with traditional fluorite and phosphorous slag, phosphorous slag composite mineralizer was effective on reducing amount of f-CaO in cement clinker and improving burnablity of raw meals, but the effect was still obvious when sintering temperature and sintering time were increasing. The analysis of XRD, SEM and petrographic structure showed that phosphorous slag composite mineralizer decreased viscosity of liquid, promotes the formation of Alite in clinker and improves crystal form and size of minerals.


Results: Clozapine can significantly improve BPRS score, while risperidone can significantly improve factor scores of Anergia, thought disturbance, hostil-suspiciousness during 15 week treatment. Scores of side effect have significant difference between two groups, with risperridone group lower than clozapine group.


The researching results as follows:"The performance of ERP system will assume a 'V' path ",Ross proposed, was supported by this research, but not all ERP performance targets in this research assumed a "V" path, some assumed continuate improvement, immediate improvement ,or no improvement.


This study has introduced the relationship matrix between Kano's two-dimensional quality elements and quality improvement modes and importance of quality elements by double confirmed. According to judgement on decrement dissatisfaction more than increment satisfaction, the 3×3 matrix is composed of Kano's two-dimensional quality elements and quality improvement modes, that have 9 sets compose,it is supplyed 1~9 score or weight dividedly.


Results The two methods had the positive effects on BPH patients, the IPSS and urinefollow-metry rate were improved obviously in the two groups, and the curative effects of tamsolusin was much better than ERTH in the improvement of IPSS, but the urinefollow rate improvement in the two grpups was not significantly different.


The main factors that affected the aiponectin concentration included types of the bioactivity of adiponectin complex; the variance of age, sexuality and race; the change of leptin, tumor necrosis factor-α, glucocorticoid, cAMP and β-adrenoceptor excitomotor, NO and so on; bioactivity of receptors of adiponectin.


Fixed the provocative locus of genioglossus and its controlling nerve with local anatomy.Estimated obstructive level of pharyngeal cavity by observing muller′s maneuver under fiberolaryngoscope.

结果 :舌后咽平面狭窄或阻塞,所测呼吸紊乱指标均明显下降(P 。0 5 ),血氧饱和度显著提高(P 。0 5 ),临床症状改善;RTBP及腭咽多平面混合狭窄和阻塞仅部分指标改善;PP平面狭窄或阻塞,各指标均无改善;影响睡眠的指标无升高。

Blinded biopsies were evaluated by a histopathologist and scored according to Knodells histology activity index. Results 53.5%(54/101), 51.5%(52/101) and 31.7%(32/101) patients had a reduction of their total hepatic HAI score, necroinflammation and fibrosis scores by ≥2 points or 1 points at the end of one year of lamivudine therapy, compared with their pretreatment values, respectively.

结果 治疗后53.5%(54/101)患者肝组织学改善(治疗后HAI积分下降≥2),HAI积分由治疗前的8.0±4.7下降至治疗后5.2±3.3(t=7.358,P.01);其中51.5%(52/101)患者坏死炎症程度改善(治疗后积分下降≥2),坏死炎症积分由5.9±3.8下降至3.6±2.5;31.7%(32/101)患者纤维化程度改善(治疗后积分下降≥1),纤维化积分由2.1±1.2下降至1.6±1.2(t=3.827,P.01。

The functional activities of mastication were restored. The temporomandibular joint disturbance syndrome and hypersusceptible symptoms disappeared or were alleviated.


The interarch relationships of the anterior segment registered the highest (from 10.7%to 78.6%).Buccal relationships in the posterior segment produced higher scores than the lingual segment.


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