英语人>网络例句>承认 相关的搜索结果


与 承认 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its"classical framework"has been shaped in The struggle for recognition: intersubjects has three recognition forms of love, rights and solidarity; accordingly, the development process of individual identity assumes three disrespect forms: violation of body, denial of rights and insult (denigration and degradation of one's way of life); the historical process of social conflict and change can be explained in terms of inner moral logic of the mutual recognition relations.


CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK l,the SCHENECTADY COUNTY CLERK ,Clerk of the County of Schenectady ,and also Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts ,being Courts of Record held therein,do hereby certify that michoc'J Love whose name is subscribed to the Certificate of acknowledgment or proof of the annexed instrument ,and thereon written ,or whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument ,and thereon written ,or whose name is subscribed to the annexed jurat,,was at the time of taking such acknowledgment,or proof,or of administering such oath oraffirmation ,a Notary Public –commissioner of Deeds in and for said County ,residing therein ,duly commis-sioned and sword and authorized by the laws of the State of Now York to take the acknowledgments an sworn and proofs of deeds of conveyances ,for land,tenements,or heredita-ments and to administer oaths or affirmations in said County ,And further,that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of said officer and verily believe that the signature to said jurat or certificate of acknowledgement or proof is genuine IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF ,I have hereunto set my hand affixed the seal of said Courts and County ,this day of August ,2007 DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK

店员的办公室纽约的州 l,SCHENECTADY 县店员, Schenectady 的县的店员和至高和县法院,作为在其中拿着的记录的法院,的店员也藉此证明那一 michoc'J 名字被订购承认的证书或者被并吞的器具的证明的爱,和在那上面书面,或谁的名字被订购被并吞的器具,和在那上面书面的或谁的名字被订购被并吞的 jurat,,在采取如此的承认或证明的时候,或管理如此的誓约 oraffirmation,公证人民众-行为的委员在和为说的县,在其中住,的确 commis-sioned 和刀剑而且被拿承认的现在省约克的法律授权一宣誓和运输的行为的证明,为土地、房屋或者 heredita-ments 和在说的县中管理誓约或肯定,而且促进,哪一我很好地熟悉说的官员的笔迹而且实在相信签字到说承认或者证明的 jurat 或者证书是真正的在证言,什么的,我已经到此为止设定我的手使说的法院和县的印章附于了,2007 年八月的这天代理人县店员不对举报我得了

And we may feel that though objective superiority is rightly claimed for men, yet that very superiority ought partly to consist in not behaving like a vivisector: that we ought to prove ourselves better than the beasts precisely by the fact of acknowledging duties to them which they do not acknowledge to us.


Article 268 In the case of an application or request for recognition and enforcement of a legally effective judgment or written order of a foreign court, the people's court shall, after examining it in accordance with the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China or with the principle of reciprocity and arriving at the conclusion that it does not contradict the basic principles of the law of the People's Republic of China nor violates State sovereignty, security and social and public interest of the country, recognize the validity of the judgment or written order, and, if required, issue a writ of execution to enforce it in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law; if the application or request contradicts the basic principles of the law of the People's Republic of China or violates State sovereignty, security and social and public interest of the country, the people's court shall not recognize and enforce it.


Guo Guichun, the Chinese expert in scientific realism, considers that different from the argumentation between the former traditional realism and the antirealism, the divarication from the contemporary scientific realism with the antirealism is no longer about whether or not acknowledgement of existed objective world independent from the will of the people, or ontology question and so on in material first nature, but about the acknowledgment of world existence, acknowledgement of the perceptual experience provided for objective world information, acknowledgement of the science as the rational cause, acknowledgement of the progressiveness and success of science, acknowledgement of that under the premise of theory entity playing key role in the cognition process, to understand why the science can obtain success, approach the truth gradually, or the real existence of theory entity, or actuality of the scientific goal, so on in the divarication of significant epistemology .


In the case of absolute void,right scanonly be annulled after the longest extinction of action,which affects only actionprivilege in stead of substance rights,It bespeaks the condemnable nature of this kindof act under prevalent law;while in the case of relative void,extinction period andconsent can lead to the terminate of the right to annul,the condition and forms ofconsent is also scrutinized.


The aim of the thesis is to discuss whether and why we acknowledge negligent coprincipal and then conduct a systematic research on the substantial problems such as its concept、constitution and category, as well as its correlative problems.


If a person fails to satisfy a judgement made by the court within the stipulated time, the court will, upon application by either party, mandatorily enforce the judgement.


If a person fails to satisfy a judgement made by the court within the stipulated time, the court will, upon a lication by either party, mandatorily enforce the judgement.


Bury one's head in the sand 逃避现实;拒绝承认现实例句:He had suspected for some months that his son was taking drugs, but he had buried his head in the sand and refused to admit it, even to himself.


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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
