英语人>网络例句>多方面的 相关的搜索结果


与 多方面的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The influence factors are divided into endogenous and exogenous source according to the process control factors. The endogenous source includes: the level of materials safety, the level of adminicle use safety, the level of environmental hygiene management and the level of processing technology safety management.The exogenous source includes the level of national supervision, the level of consumer food safety consciousness and the level of agricultural product processing development. Every aspect includes various factors.


This article first has carded on the limits to the spirit security concept,then discusses in this foundation by the Mallow's Hierarchy of Needs theory,social safety-valve theory, harmonious society theory as theoretical stupors of spirit protection,Pointed out that the spiritual security supply and demand contradictory prominent,the spiritual security emergency lag is the existence subject matter in our country spirit security development.The reasons are manifold.If we want to achieve the spirit protection,we must steps in the multiple participation,the system design recuperation,the theoretical research strengthen and the integration of multiple resources. Only in this way,Social security can play the role of social safety net and truly promote social harmony.


After reviewing the previous dissertation on quantitative characteristic trait of recalcitrant seeds, three aspects of quantitative characteristic trait of seed recalcitrant were defined, which are interspecific aspect, intraspecific aspect and individual developmental aspect. And it was supposed that seed recalcitrance was a compound characteristic, with its core composed of desiccation tolerance, low-temperature tolerance and storage tolerance at least, and its concomitants composed of seed size, 1000-seed weight, moisture content at shedding, non-dormancy, systemic taxonomy, ecological and biochemical aspects. Because these core and concomitants are all gradual, transitional and quantitative, it was inferred that seed recalcitrance was a compound quantitative trait.


This new platform, considering the relationship among teaching, learning and managing, solving the conflict of resources share and intelligence prosperity, adopting latest theory on learning and mature technology, has more advantages than the existing platform. Firstly, it integrates the advantages of Internet and Satellite communication system and achieves the seamless connection. Secondly, it adopts the coding technology of streaming media with MEPG-4, which makes it possible that the on-line instruction, the schedular broadcast instruction and the distributed course ware on demand can be broadcast on the two networks. Thirdly, it considers the problems of security, user certification and the protection of intelligence property. Fourthly, it is possible to link education resources from all united university, and is able to share resources for lifelong learning individuals or group.

此次清华大学远程教育播出平台的改造,本着现有平台与未来需求相结合;最新的学习理论与成熟的信息技术相结合;资源传输与对学生的学习支持相结合;教育资源开放与知识产权保护相结合的设计理念,综合考虑了远程教育环境中教、学、管三方面的需求和关系,因而具有多方面的优势:新平台整合了互联网和卫星网各自的优势,在技术上实现了天网与地网的无缝连接;新平台对传输的教育节目采用 MPEG-4编码方式进行流媒体播出,在传输上实现了基于两种网络的实时课堂直播、录播和基于互联网的分布式课件点播的多种需求;新平台集资源加密、用户认证和授权等功能于一体,可有效地保护远程教育中的知识产权;新平台将各联盟学校的教育资源进行整合后重新提供给学习的个体或团体,较好地实现了资源共享。

Concerning the reconstruction of the old city, the consideration of inheritance and development of traditional style and local features of the city is very important to the design of city planning, In this paper, an investigation and survey of Wuzhou city's network was made, In addition, the basic problems such as how to reserve the original arrangements of blocks and strees, to fully consider the space communication of traffic and how to display the architectural style and local features were discussible d...


Modeling, which has many limitative conditions and reasons, is just one way to express design.


PPAR γ agonist displayed obvious renoprotective action,the mechanism was complicated, it could improve the metabolism of glucose ang lipid, depress blood preasure, protect small vessels endothelium,improve the system activity of blood clotting and fibronolysis, antiinflammation, otherwise the action was more obvious with the time passed, at the early stage the effective was better,so encourage the patients to take the medicine earily; when the patients with the mediate reanl function failure, Avandia did not display significantly renoprotective action, side reaction had no difference compared to the control group,was not necessary to regulate the dose of Avandia.But because of the sample size was small, we needed a biger sample to confirm the results. We confirmed that Prol2Ala had no difference in control case,diabetic nephropathy group and diabete group,In diabetic group and diabetic nephropathy group, Ala carriers compared to noncarrier all kinds of biochemical indicators were not different,Prol2Ala did not have association with diabete and diabetic nephropathy. But because of the sample size was small, weneeded a biger sample to confirm the results.


Compared with methods appeared in literatures, our algorithm, with high accuracy, sensitivity and correctness, complete adaptively the correct distinction between interferential fringes and backgrounds. In chapter four, methods for the computer operatable description of line and region features are discussed, which contains: Computation curve's curvature in quantity, Fringes' separation distance , Contour's smoothness of region, Similarity of varied curves.


In addition, the important roles of country squires played in some clans Buddhist prohibition can by no means be ignored.


But during the process of democratic voting, providing public goods are usually one of the main measures of abstracting the supporting of electorates. In the scope of a country, a government needs to provide so many public goods, which related to so many profits. So it is very little that a process of providing some public good can determine the process of voting.


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The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
