英语人>网络例句>周围的 相关的搜索结果


与 周围的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Alma it states,"Yea, he had been strengthening the armies of the Nephites, and erecting small forts, or places of resort: throwing up banks of earth round about to enclose his armies…the Nephites were taught…never to raise the sword except it were against an enemy… they had cast up dirtround to shield them from the arrows…the chief captains of the Lamanites were astonished exceedingly, because of the wisdom of the Nephites in preparing their places of security…they knew not that Moroni had fortified, or had built forts of security in all the land roundabout …the Lamanites could not get into their forts of security…because of the highness of the bank which had been thrown up, and the depth of the ditch which had been dug round about…they began to dig down their banks of earth…that they might have an equalchance to fight…instead of filling up their ditches by pulling down banks of earth, they were filled up in a measure with their dead…And caused them to erect fortifications that they should commence laboring in digging a ditch round about the land…And he caused that they should build a breastwork of timbers upon the inner bank of the ditch: and they did cast up dirt out of the ditch against the breastwork of timbers".


The combination of chitosan and titanium net could effectively inhibit proliferation of cicatricle surrounding dura meter.


Blindsight: a mooncalf can ascertain its surroundings by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues).


Gills bow occur around several small uplift, it has evolved into a ditch cheeks, demodectic pruritus small uplift while around and gradually become WaiErMen retinal pigment, began to appear, make eye has become more and more obvious.


Installation hind is OK the special and effective high temperature that improves workshop is fuggy environment, can make the temperature inside workshop (the high temperature environment of 45 ℃ of 32 ~) drop quickly inside 10 minutes, maintain temperature in 26 ~ 30 ℃, this is the working environment with the easiest human body, can promote employee work efficiency, those who carry a product is high quality.


Results:There were two different fascial envelopes around the perirectal fat:a posterolateral envelope made up of the visceral pelvic fascia and an anterior membrane made up of the Denonovilliers fascia.Denonvilliers' fascia couldn't be regarded as anterior part of mesorectum.


In the control animals,the GAP-43-LI nerve fibers were found mainly distributed in association with vascular plexuses,with minor extension into the parenchyma of the inner zone of the periarterial lymphocyte sheath.In the immunized animals,in addition to denser vascular plexuses,more fibers appeared in the outer zones of periarterial lymphocyte sheath,the marginal zone,and the red pulp,all known to be the sites of active immune response.


RESULTS: On day 2 after PH, oval cells began to proliferate around the portal area, and matrilin-2 deposition was observed in the hepatic sinusoids in the periportal area. On day 9, proliferating oval cells were present in the hepatic acini, and matrilin-2 upregulation was noted. On day 12, as oval cells differentiated to form hepatocellular nodules, matrilin-2 was distributed mainly in the periphery of the nodules, and little protein was present in the nodules.

结果: 肝脏部分切除术(partial hepatectomy, PH)后第2天,卵圆细胞开始向门静脉周围区域增殖, Matrilin-2主要出现在门静脉周围的肝窦状隙内;术后第9天,卵圆细胞进一步向肝实质内增殖, Matrilin-2表达增加;术后第12天,随着卵圆细胞分化为小肝细胞结节,大多数Matrilin-2位于结节周边,少数出现在结节内。

Root border cells are recently defined alive population sloughed from root tips and loosely adhered in the water soluble mucilage, and the root tip is just the target of Al toxicity, thus it was guessed that border cells might function crucially in the response to Al toxicity.


Lorca讲的那样,格林纳达跟赛维亚如此不同,一个阴柔,一个刚性.他说:seville is man in the full complexity of his sensuality and emotion. It is political intrigue and the triuphal arch.


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I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
