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与 争论 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The difficult when be being overcome in all, it is everybody is not oppugned, do not criticize, do not criticize severely, do not touch those central issues that pose a contention possibly and difficult point, lest controversy and criticism can give government and leader incommode, meeting influence public is right governmental confidence -- package of this kind of thought on the back, speak of a word to come, mention the proposal comes before be afraid of tiger of wolf fear after the event, for fear that is censured " the difficult when be not being overcome in all ".


There can be many arguments for and against this theory, but the debate is bound to remain inconclusive.


This last point in particular figured prominently in the Jansenist controversy, the heretics contending that, while the famous five propositions attributed to Jansenius were rightly condemned, they did not truly express the doctrine contained in his book "Augustinus".


If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him from the blundering discourtesy of better, thoughtless educated minds; who ,like blunt weapons, tear and hack instead of cutting clean, who mistake the point in argument, waste their strength on trifles, misconceive their adversary, an leave the question more involved than they find it.


It is a nice irony, given the traditional association of the naturist position with eugenic arguments, that if variation in intelligence really is caused by underlying genetic variation, then the dull are as evolutionarily fit as the clever.


Of course, in the first century no one spoke of a holiday called "Christmas". This is Oliphant's comment on a quarrel about what Americans say in the 21st century.


One of the most fascinating arguments for the existence of an all-perfect God is the ontological argument.


Meanwhile the recording industry was hit with a major scandal over payola schemes between record labels and disc jockeys, a controversy that would bring down some of the most innovative independent studios and revered jockeys, including the legendary Alan Freed himself.


All of my arguments against the plausibility of faith weresoon revealed as the arguments of a schoolboy.


Our views are poles apart, I don't see any point in arguing further..


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I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
