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useful time相关的网络例句

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与 useful time 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Automated accessibility tools are useful because they can save you a huge amount of time.


It is the first time that the theory of wavelet has been applied in the signal processing of the CODOG power plant experiment rig and wavelet transform denoising was used, it may keep the aiguille and saltation parts, wipe off the noise and pick up the useful signal, it is benefit to analysis the result in experiment.


At the same time, some of the negative forms of identification which were important in the past, such as the Cold War and anti-communism, are no longer useful today.


Hence, while on the one hand the other so-called virtues of the soul seem to resemble those of the body, inasmuch as they really do not pre-exist in the soul, but are formed in it in the course of time by habit and exercise, the virtue of wisdom, on the other hand, does most certainly appertain, as it would appear, to a more divine substance which never loses its energy, but by change of position becomes useful and serviceable, or else remains useless and injurious.


Fill it with items that would be useful, and at the same time can be arranged nicely and artistically.


Or better, and that Assembler is still quite useful for time critical


Assiduity: no wasting time,do useful things.


Finally, the feasibility and applicability of the designed system was verified by practical particleboard hot-pressing experiment. The development of the Automatic measurement system for monitoring the internal-mat environment was based on LabVIEW program which is a powerful virtual instrument design workbench. Developed system in this paper can provide a friendly interface, an animated process-monitoring window including a real-time data acquisition of 2 pressure signal channels and 4 temperature signal channels, as well as the asynchronous serial communication between measuring computer and the data acquisition. Practical application testing and data analysis showed that this measuring system was useful and easy to operate by providing accurate and reliable data.

本文详尽介绍了人造板热压过程中板坯内部环境检测系统各组成部分的工作原理以及它们在系统中的作用,着重阐述了系统硬件设计和检测软件的开发,并通过刨花板的热压试验,验证了系统设计可行性和先进应用虚拟仪器系统开发平台-LabVIEW 编制了热压板坯内部环境自动检测系统的应用软件,该软件具有友好的人机交互界面、简单直观的:工艺流程监控、安全可靠的故障处理措施等优点。

This very useful command allows you to schedule tasks to run at a specified time and repeat as configured.


RCBV values calculated using cSVD and oSVD were identical. Both values were equal to the whole areas under the concentration-time curve were divided by the arterial input function areas. Moreover, these rCBV approximated to the rCBV calculated by signal-time curve fitting. rCBF with cSVD and oSVD wouldn't be underestimated by delay effect and were good for relative quantity. The scatter plots of rMTT and Td were useful in stroke staging.


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We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
