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We explore these questions in Legume model system, Lotus japonicus. Compared with model plants Antirrhinum and Arabidopsis, floral pattern formation of Lotus japonicus is different in several aspects. Floral organs initiate in an order of sepals, carpel, petals, stamens. Within each whorl, organs initiate unidirectionally from ventral side to dorsal side. Initiation of organs in different whorl overlaps. Stamens exist in both 2nd whorl and 3rd whorl, and 2nd whorl is heterogeneous for the existence of different identity organs .


Flowers small to medium-sized, bracteate and often bracteolate, bisexual or unisexual, actinomorphic or rarely zygomorphic, hypogynous to epigynous, floral cup shallow to urn-shaped, sometimes absent; sepals 4 or 5(–10), sometimes absent, imbricate, usually persistent; petals absent or 4 or 5, yellow, white, greenish or red, often ribbonlike and circinate in bud, caducous; stamens 4, 5, or many, free, rarely arranged in 2 whorls with the inner whorl staminodal, development of polyandrous androecia centripetal or centrifugal; anthers basifixed, thecae mostly bisporangiate, each opening by two valves or a simple longitudinal slit, or monosporangiate and opening by a single valve (Exbucklandia, Hamamelis and the genera of the S hemisphere), connective protruding; disk scales sometimes present between stamens and carpels.


Open flowers with corolla longer than calyx, tube slender, 2-lipped, lower lip 3-lobed, upper lip erect and 2-lobed; stamens exserted; style longer than stamens. Cleistogamous flowers with corolla shorter than calyx; stamens and style shorter than corolla.


Flowers unisexual. Male inflorescence precocious, elongate, pendulous, with numerous overlapping bracts; each bract usually subtending a small dichasium with 1-3 male flowers; stamens as many as and opposite sepals or, if sepals obsolete, then stamens of inflorescence to 20; filaments very short, connate or nearly so; anthers 2-loculed, thecae connate or separate, opening by longitudinal slits.

雄花序先有花,拉长,下垂,具多数重叠苞片;通常的每苞片对着一小的二歧聚伞花序具1-3雄花;同数的雄蕊和与萼片对生或,如果萼片废退,然后对20的花序的雄蕊;花丝非常短,合生或近合生; 2室的花药,合生的或分开的囊,以纵裂缝开阔的。

The morphogenesis of floral organs in both srg mutant and wild-type rice Dular (Oryza sativa L.) was observed using the scanning electron microscope. The results showed that the floral primordia were differentiated under irregular pattern in srg mutant. After regular formation of lemma and palea primordia, the floral primordium of srg formed lodicule primordia inner to both lemma and palea, followed by the formation of stamens and carpel. Alternatively, floral primordia in srg were split to form two or more floral primordia. The number and position of stamens and carpels primordia were malformed.


Stamens 5; anthers erect, free or connivent or connate, connectives often dilated into membranous appendages; filaments very short or absent, anterior 2 stamens with spurlike nectary at base.


The DGCMS plants were complete sterile at the both temperature situations, and there was no pollen sac differentiation and had smaller petals and stamens at the higher temperature situation, but there were 1~4 pollen sacs in each anther and had bigger petals and stamens at the lower temperature situation. The cytological characteristics of the anther development were the same as that of GMS plants in Yi-3AB.

表现质核不育的植株,在高温条件下,花瓣小,表现彻底的pol CMS不育,无花粉囊的分化,在低温条件下,花瓣变大,也表现彻底雄性不育,具有核、质不育的共同特点,每个花药可分化出1~4个花粉囊,但无可育花粉,其雄性败育时期和特点与宜3A相同。

They were partial sterile, had 1~3 pollen sacs in each anther and had relative bigger petals and stamens at lower temperature situation. The DGCMS plants were complete sterile at the both temperature situations, and there was no pollen sac differentiation and had smaller petals and stamens ...

表现质核不育的植株,在高温条件下,花瓣小,表现彻底的 pol CMS不育,无花粉囊的分化;在低温条件下,花瓣变大,也表现彻底雄性不育,具有核、质不育的共同特点,每个花药可分化出 1~ 4个花粉囊,但无可育花粉,其雄性败育时期和特点与宜 3A相同

Morphological and cytological observations showed that the pol CMS plants in DGCMS-Yi-3A were complete male sterile, had no pollen sac differentiation and had smaller petals and stamens at higher temperature situation. They were partial sterile, had 1~3 pollen sacs in each anther and had relative bigger petals and stamens at lower temperature situation.

花器形态和花药发育的解剖学观察结果表明,DGCMS-宜3A中表现波里马细胞质雄性不育的植株,其花器形态和花药发育的解剖学特点与pol CMS相同,即在高温条件下,花瓣较小,表现彻底不育,无花粉囊的分化,在低温条件下,花瓣变大,表现部分雄性不育,可分化出1~4个花粉囊,并产生一定数量可育花粉。

Stamens 5; anthers yellow, ellipsoid; staminodes 3- or 4-toothed, ca. 1/2 as long as stamens; stigma capitate. Utricle brown, obcordate.


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