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与 stamen 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All characters that have been used to delimit more narrowly defined species in other treatments of Chinese Clethra exhibit a strongly continuous pattern of variation from west to east across the range of the species in China (i.e., leaf size and shape, the number of secondary veins on each side of the midvein, anther size and shape); they also exhibit geographically correlated or seemingly random patterns, but without correlated gaps in character states among any two or more characters (i.e., style pubescence, corolla abaxial surface, stamen exsertion).

用来界定更狭窄定义的中国的Clethra的其它种的全部特征,从中国种的分布区的西部到东部,展示了一种强烈的连续变异的样式(如,叶大小和形状,中脉每边次脉的数目,花药的大小和形状);他们还展示出地理分布的相关或好像随机的样式,但是在任何2或更多特征状态间没有相关的特征间隔(如,花柱被短柔毛,花冠背面、雄蕊伸出)。叶大小与形状,在中脉,花药大小与形状的每边次脉的数量;也的他们展览好象地理上有相互关联或随机模式,但是没有有相互关联特征差距在任何2 特征或更多中说明即,花柱短柔毛,花冠背面,雄蕊exsertion。

Central stamen 2-loculed; leaf margin serrate or crenate.


Flowers solitary, first leaves open, almost no flower stalk; sepals 5, flower buckle fold; petals 5, white or pink; stamen majority; carpels 1, there is a short pubescent.


Having flower parts,such as petals,sepals,and stamen s,in sets of five,as in the geranium.


Furthermore, each developmental phase showed several different phases, these included inflorescence 0 phase, inflorescence Ⅰ phase, inflorescence Ⅱ phase; spikelet Ⅰ phase, spikelet Ⅱ phase, spikelet Ⅲ phase; palea primordium phase, lodicule primordium phase, stamen primordium phase and carpel primordium phase.


Silk tree is the arbor that silk tree of sensitive plant family belongs to, can amount to 15 meters of above high, 5, the flower that begins to give off tuft to form a cluster between June, damask stamen grows to be extended longly, the velvet of group of posse of look exactly like, also resemble Gong Ying, consequently again velvet flowers is cultivated, the another namer such as equestrian tassel flower.


Bids good-bye after yours friend, I really have loved you, but your really too stamen, perhaps you were full of affection, with me is the identical type male student, I once so crazy loved you, I all did not know what type love that was one kind of, but, now recollected, I really joyful, I wanted once more to see you, only was simple palely loves, did not know whether also remembered my this fool the girl East wind slope My piano prince, you knew how many pain you do give my?


A flower is made up of four parts:the sepal,petal,stamen and pistil.


Having either stamen s or a pistil only.


Are tetradynamous stamen. Each anther has four pollen sac.

结果是:菥蓂雄蕊为四强雄蕊,每个花药具 4 个花粉囊。

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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
