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与 stamen 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beautiful Chan Shengzhi supports, calyx 5, baby blue, if form is petaline, grow 8 – 12 millimeter, form of elliptical shape egg, base the ministry changes gradually narrow into claw; 2 lips form, labrum is more smallish than labium, its tip gradually narrow thread form, labium 2 crack greatly, mid broaden, tip and mid shape having tumor is protuberant; Stamen is most, blunt or antheral office department is small gradually pointed; Carpel normally 5, base the ministry is accrete into one answer ovarian.??


The results showed that: Base on the observation results of paraffin slice up, the progress of male and female flower development can be divided into five stages, including: fist, flower primordium, namely asexuality stage; second, hermaphroditic stage; third, single flower at early stage; fourth, widen of stamen primordial and enlarge of pistil primordial; fifth, microspore stage of male flower and grown up of female flower.


Secondly, according to the stem and leaf anatomy, leaf epidermis, pollen morphology and floral development, it is found that there are no close relations between Acorus and Typhales, especially in the aspect of floral development. In the course of floral development of A. calamus, neither bracteloe primordium nor common primordium occurs in the whole course. Early development of the flower is strongly unidirectional. Three shield carpels develop into a pistil. In Sparganium fallax, each female flower has a bracteole. The bracteole primordium and the floral primordium originate from a complex structure. A single saccate carpel develops into a pistil. In staminate flowers, petal and stamen primordia initiate spirally.


The artificial flower doctrine that with German botanist Engele is a delegate thinks the flower of angiosperm and gymnospermous ball flower agree completely, every stamen and carpel, be equivalent to a male flower that degrades extremely and female flower respectively, consequently tentative idea angiosperm is to come from child plant hemp is yellow kind yellow Ephedra Campylopoda of curved handle hemp, following plan institute are shown, in this tentative idea, the bud of male flower piece turn into perianth, the bud of female flower piece turn into carpel, the small bud of every male flower piece after disappearing, remain a stamen only, female flower small bud piece ovule is remained only after disappearing, ministry of foundations of move unripe Yu Zi.

以德国植物学家恩格勒为代表的假花学说认为被子植物的花和裸子植物的球花完全一致,每个雄蕊和心皮,分别相当于1个极端退化的雄花和雌花,因而设想被子植物是来自棵子植物麻黄类的弯柄麻黄Ephedra campylopoda,如下图所示,在这个设想里,雄花的苞片变为花被,雌花的苞片变为心皮,每个雄花的小苞片消失后,只剩下一个雄蕊,雌花小苞片消失后只剩下胚珠,着生于子房基部。

During the development of process of male flower,the stamen differentiatedconstantly,but the pistillate primordium degenerated and there was noremain of pistillate primordium in mature male flowers.During thedevelopment process of female flower,the pistillate primordiumdifferentiated constantly,the development of stamen stopped but didn′tdegenerated.


The floral primordium is initially circular, along with the edge of which slight concaves occur. The outmost whorl of tepal primordia arises as a result of apical meristem division and the floral primordium then is in the shape of triangle. Two further whorls of tepal primordia arise in spiral acropetal sequence and are alternately arranged. When the innermost whorl of tepal primordia is at the late developmental stage, the foremost stamen primordia arise almost simultaneously in spiral acropetal succession and all of the stamen primordia are ultimately arranged in a triangle-cone form. Late in stamen primordium development, carpel primordia arise as same as the young stamen primordia and grow laterally. Grooves are present on the adaxial side of each carpel and develop into ventral sutures gradually closing up.


The petal of Gli CMS crimples.The stamen turns into featheriness, the form of the petal , silk form or degradates. Without anther structure, the carpel, it is protruding that the outer edge grows tumour form.The growing style of stamen and pistil is the adhesion type or the scattered type. The shape of pistil is straight or hooked. The opening style of flower is full-nfolded,half-closed or full-closed.

Gli CMS的花瓣皱缩,雄蕊变为羽毛状、花瓣状、丝状或者退化;无花药结构,心皮化,周缘生有瘤状突起;雌雄蕊着生方式为粘连型,有的是散生型;雌蕊有的是直柱形,有的是钩型的;花朵开放方式为全展型、半闭型和全闭型。

Umbrella form inflorescence normally 2~4 bunch gives birth to short branch of Yu Xie armpit, short branch grows 1~2 millimeter; Inflorescence total stalk grows 5~10 millimeter, by short fluff; Bud piece 4, wide egg form, have 5~6 arteries and veins, outside a few without wool, inside face by white short fluff; Inflorescence of each umbrella form has beautiful 4~6, the leaf is opened or open at the same time with the leaf first; Peduncular grow about 1.5 millimeter, close by white fluff; Perianth piece 6, elliptic, two sides by short fluff; In male flower can Yo is staminal 9, filament has grey yellow fluff, form of heart of shape of aegis of body of gland of ministry of the 3rd round of stamen radical, do not have a handle nearly, degrade pistil is not had; Stamen degrades in female flower 9, staff state, by grey yellow fluff, ovarian crock form, style is dumpy, post head shape, shallow crack.


There is a transient stage of petal-stamen common anlagen before petal and stamen primordia initiation.


The corolla of the 235A degenerated and most of its shrivelling stamen had incompletely developed anther and stigma.A few fertile pollens in one or two completly developed stamen were not emerged because anthers were closed by much longer calyx.


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Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
