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shoulder bar相关的网络例句

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与 shoulder bar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the first method, you step under the bar and cross your forearms into an "X" position while resting the bar on the dimple that is created by the shoulder muscle near the bone, keeping your elbows up high so that your upper arms are parallel to the ground.


Action: 1, ready position: feet about opening or after opening, shoulder width, hands grip the bar is shot, his arms on the raised bar placed above the clavicle between the chest and collarbone, while the body upright (this Does not do requests received when the foot) 2, continuous ...

动作方法: 1、预备姿势:两脚左右开立或前后开立,与肩同宽,两手正握杠铃杆,两臂上提杠铃置于胸与锁骨之间锁骨之上,同时身体直立 2、连续。。。

"Stretcher bars Flower" as the county a widespread folk dance of local characteristics, the history of the origins of the immortals "Three Xian Gu" sacrificial ceremony in order to carry statues of dancers of "driving" the main line, are ritual dance team leader in the dance species gradually evolve into a self-entertainment of the masses of the Plaza art, a flower by two-person stretcher bars, exercise on a horizontal bar made of bamboo materials, the carrying of objects known as:"bar box", people from bars handheld bar charge card, its paddle-shaped, performers have jun bars, ugly bars on the points, when抬杠should not exercise on a horizontal bar over the shoulder, should not bar use of hands, they make the same direction, opposite, running and carrying the show, high overhead, low hip tip, are the scope of activities of exercise on a horizontal bar, the basic action has Yan mallard water, tiger big kick tail, large clean waiting for, performing routines倒卷curtain has pearls, Wufu want longevity,十三太保,二十八宿and so on, just Taihua no accompaniment instruments.


Two drunkards came out from the bar with shoulder on shoulder.


In the midnight.two drunkards came out from the bar with shoulder on shoulder.


In the midnight,two drunkard came out from the bar with shoulder on shoulder. One said:"so bright,my eye couldn't open."


Two drunkards came out from the bar with shoulder on shoulder.


"In the clean and jerk, the lifter takes a shoulder width grip on the Bar and pull s the weight to the front of the shoulders. The lifter then dips down, uses a powerful jumping motion to drive the Bar overhead."


"In the clean and jerk, the lifter takes a shoulder width grip on the Bar and pulls the weight to the front of the shoulder s. The lifter then dips down, uses a powerful jumping motion to drive the Bar overhead."


"In the clean and jerk, the lifter takes a shoulder width grip on the Bar and pulls the weight to the front of the shoulders. The lifter then dip s down, uses a powerful jumping motion to drive the Bar overhead."


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