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This release process presumes that the lesson involved with the karma has been learned.


He that knows least commonly presumes most .


It presumes that corruption has always been part of the game throughout Asia as a pragmatic way to construct a network of mutual benefit.


He presumes to invite himself to dinner.


This presumes that the stimulus is only the beginning of a larger, more strategic plan.


Therefore anyone who has been suspended for this reason and presumes to celebrate divine services, shall not only be deprived of his ecclesiastical benefices but shall also, on account of his twofold fault, be deposed in perpetuity.


And it's good to participate in the sense of permission and inclusion that permeates a gay film festival — the gay world is a markedly tolerant one. The cliché presumes "gay" to be a more animated, sexualised or romantic version of daily life. Maybe that's the reward for living one's life slightly oblivious to stodgy cultural cues. Being among gays, lesbians and trannies can appeal to certain straights such as me, just as staying out after curfew might — it's both delirious relief and a chance to observe human nature in bold relief.

为了迎合不同的口味和派别,经典历史记录片例如前面Before Stonewall (由肯 Livingstone引进)和The Celluloid Closet,审查了好莱坞超过100个影片里的潜台词,采纳了他们在英国崇拜经典之作之外的有争议的地方例如乔治姐妹杀害案与Susannah York and Beryl Reid合作),随着时间推移一面戏剧性的讲诉一名男同性恋者的娘娘腔,一面表现Baby Jane身上所发生的一切。

This paper studies the management model of multi-cluster , presumes two methods: user-decided and system-decided, and stabiles a MCJSS structure based on PBS.


The analyzing aboved is made from earthquake's space distributing, periodicity, migration phenomenon, repetition, strength, frequency, b value etc., according to data of earthquake station net in Shaanxi Province and microseisms station net watching results in Xi'an area. 3 group faults which are NEE, NW and EW direction control earthquake activities in Guanzhong area. Epicenter depth mostly is 5-25km and in shallow-focus earthquake. Earthquake in east area of Guanzhong was stronger and weaker in the West in history. Fen-Wei earthquake belt showed more activity. Microseisms and small seisms is main movement in recent earthquake, it has 8-10years' period of movement and show the trend that they are strong in the West but weaker in the East. And frequency and biggest magnitude of earthquake is supplement each other. In next years earthquake frequency will lessen but strength enhance, about M4. It presumes there is earthquake climax period in Guanzhong area in 2040 and M5-6 earthquake is happened at that time.


The next workforce presumes that employers are embracing technologies like Facebook, according to Roes.

未来劳动力的假设雇主是概括性的技术,如脸谱,根据roes 。

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The sun will go downhill soon , I sit to be dead tired on the bicycle, Wang Ming also feels very weary , we have a rest thereupon on arriving in a slice exuberant grassplot.


My professional interest is the type of community-based enterprises.


This is I last time bursts into tears for you!
