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与 preferably 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The invention relates to a method for the production of a multilayer image, preferably a multicolour image, wherein a transfer foil placed on a paper substrate and treated with laser radiation is used.


As a dietary supplement,take three tablets twice daily preferably on an empty stomach for maximum absorp-tion and wait 30minutes before eating or before taking any other protein products.for enhanced results use with pure h.a.


The secondary loop is placed below the frost line where the temperature is more stable, or preferably submerged in a body of water if available.


Sterilising bottle-feeding equipment is essential for at least six months, and preferably throughout your child's first year.


Preferably, all of the transducers 16, 18, 50 and 58 have the same resonant frequency.


Preferably equipped with basic computer knowledge in Microsoft Office software and type, also hands-on experience up on sales module in ANZIO system.


Preferably equipped with basic computer knowledge in Microsoft Office software and type, also hands-on experience up on sales module in ANZIO system is prefer.


This material will preferably be taken from the patients' own body and can consist of cartilage as well as bone material.


The centrifuge units used in the preferred embodiment are manufactured by Costner Industries Nevada Corporation, of Carson City, Nev. Alternatively, conventional stacked disc centrifuge units may be used, such as those manufactured by Westphalia of Germany, Alfa Laval of France, or Hutchison Hayes of Houston, Tex. The centrifuge units preferably incorporate a solids separation and self cleaning mechanism.

单位使用的离心机的首选体现在生产的科斯特纳工业内华达有限公司(以下简称& CINC &),卡森市的内华达州另外,传统的堆叠碟片离心机可用于单位,如生产的威斯特伐利亚的德国,阿法拉伐的法国,或和记海耶斯的休斯顿,德州最好的离心机单位纳入固体分离和自我清洁机制。

Toss the pancetta into a large pot, preferably a big, heavy dutch oven.


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We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
