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与 prairie 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I once silently prayed for you that I was once deep for you pull the soul, I and the prairie have approximately to decide, reach agreement to relate that missing the sentiment, walks arm in arm now in the prairie bosom, lets this agreement congeal eternal.


You can wander across prairie country that has the desolating immensity of the ocean:这句话简化一些就相当于说prairie country that is as desolating and immense as the ocean.


This paper analyzes the basic layout and origin of oboo cult after reviewing relevant historical records and ethnographical material, and indicates that an early form of the similar cult to oboo, namely fairy stone cult, appeared in the northern prairie area of Eurasia long before oboo cult which was adopted by the Mongols as a traditional religion. Oboo has held on this tradition of the prairie culture both in the layout and manner of cult.


It introduces skin to Alpha Hydroxy Acid and prepares it to receive the maximum benefits of La Prairie's Age Management Skincare products.

所蕴含的果酸成份,可配合La Prairie的Age Management护肤产品,发挥最佳的功效。

It is surrounded by five municipalities on the South Shore of Montreal: Saint-Lambert, Greenfield Park, Saint-Hubert, Carignan and La Prairie.

该市坐落于蒙特利尔南岸地区五个自治市(圣兰伯特市、格林菲尔德帕克、圣休伯特市、Carignan市和La Prairie市)的中心区域。

Brossard is a city in southwestern Quebec, Canada on the southern shore of the Saint Lawrence River across from the island and city of Montreal, with a population of over 100,000 (15 square miles in the vicinity of Brossard ). It is surrounded by five municipalities on the South Shore of Montreal: Saint-Lambert, Greenfield Park, Saint-Hubert, Carignan and La Prairie.

布罗萨德市位于加拿大魁北克省西南部,是加拿大第二大城市——蒙特利尔大都会下辖的一个市,坐落于蒙特利尔南岸地区五个自治市(圣兰伯特市、格林菲尔德帕克、圣休伯特市、 Carignan 市和 La Prairie 市)的中心区域。

A rare combination of diamond, mica and light reflective crystal technology combined with high-tech peptides, amino and alpha hydroxy acids, La Prairie's exclusive Cellular Complex, and the sea-born magic of Skin Caviar, can re-ignite the dazzle that time has dimmed.

这款精华液内含钻石、云母以及水晶反射光线科技,同时结合了高科技缩氨酸、氨基酸、果酸、La Prairie独有的活细胞精华和源自海洋的奇迹-鱼子精华,能重燃肌肤由于岁月流逝所失去的耀眼光泽。

The William Winslow house has been called an essential step in the development of the Prairie House because it was here that Wright first developed the exterior forms and elevational concepts that would allow him to begin to give shape on the outside to the dynamic qualities of interior space.

这个William Winslow 别墅一直被称作发展Prairie别墅的第一步,因为在这里赖特第一次发现了他的外观形式和高度概念可以使他同时开始在外造型以及在内运用动力学的原理。

METHODS: Patients undergoing routine, nonemergent cardiac surgerywere randomly assigned to routine thermal management (fluidwarming and passive insulation, n = 30) or routine managementsupplemented by an active underbody forced-air system ( n = 30;Arizant Healthcare Model 635, Eden Prairie, MN).

常规、非急症心脏外科手术患者随机分为两组:常规体温保护组(输液加温以及消极隔离, n=30)和常规保温联合使用积极的衬垫式充气加温系统( n=30 Arizant Healthcare Model 635, Eden Prairie,明尼苏达州)。

I agreed, silently cursing the army of Comcast marketers who force you to take 10 racy music video networks and "Little House on the Prairie" reruns when all you want is the 15-year-old who moonlights as a pop star.

我同意了,默默地诅咒Comcast的营销大军在迫使人们接受10个辛辣的音乐电视节目、一遍遍重播着&Little House on the Prairie&,而你希望看的是一位15岁兼职流行明星的孩子。

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Prairie Dog Town
One Prairie Outpost
Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie
Set The Prairie On Fire
Prairie Lullaby
Goddess On The Prairie
Prairie Wedding
Prairie Wedding
Prairie Fire
Take Me Back To The Prairie

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
