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与 patient 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Will nurse now process and experience report are as follows, consult in order to offer broad colleague. 1 nurse 2003-2007 of case of illness year, this academy shares 23 patients to accompany hair bedsore, age 45~81 year old, among them male 14, female 19 happen before 9; courtyard, erupt simultaneously inside the courtyard blood-vessel of 4; head is accident patient 17, patient of femur neck fracture 4, handkerchief gold family name solicits a patient integratedly 1, the whole body with most bedsore of a; has qualitative patient of evil fluid of terminal cancer of the stomach ten place, only place area is the largest amount to 8 Cm of 8 Cm ×, fester rate is the latest already produced fester sex to musculature necrotic. 2 nurse 1 article of 2 · prepares the method beautiful treasure is wet burn creams 1, the alexipharmic French chalk that contains borneol is bowl of right amount, physiological saline tampon, forceps, cure, curved dish, autograph of fluid of disinfection of iodic bend over, cotton, gauze, adhesive plaster, bumf, towel, washbasin. 2 · 2 operations measure 2 · of 2 · 1 wash one's hands, carry guaze mask, use content together to place cure fully push on the car to the bed by, make good explanation work to patient or its family member, obtain cooperation. 2 · of 2 · 2 close good door window, when necessary screen keep out, help patient takes appropriate position, reveal affected part, underlay bumf.

现将护理过程及心得报告如下,以供广大同仁参考。1护理病例2003-2007年,本院共有23例患者伴发褥疮,年龄45~81岁,其中男14例,女9例;院前发生19例,院内并发4例;脑血管意外患者17例,股骨颈骨折患者4例,帕金氏综合征患者1例,晚期胃癌恶液质患者1例;褥疮最多的全身有十几处,单处面积最大的达8 cm×8 cm,溃烂程度最深的已至肌肉组织并发生化脓性坏死。2护理方法2·1物品预备美宝湿润烧伤膏1支、含冰片的消毒滑石粉适量、生理盐水棉球、镊子、治疗碗、弯盘、碘伏消毒液、棉签、纱布、胶布、卫生纸、毛巾、脸盆、42℃温开水半盆。2·2操作步骤2·2·1洗手,带口罩,备齐用物放置治疗车上推至床旁,向患者或其家属作好解释工作,取得合作。2·2·2关好门窗,必要时屏风遮挡,帮助患者取适宜体位,暴露患处,下垫卫生纸。

The novel 'English Patient' author Michael Ondaatje's preferred medium is 8 1/2-by-11-inch Muji brand lined notebooks.

英国病人》('English Patient')的作者迈克尔?翁达杰喜欢使用8 1/2x11英寸大小的Muji品牌系列的笔记本。

Right now the nurse answers with gentle language, patient manner sucks phlegmy necessity and importance to patient and family member specification, and the serious consequence that rejects to suck phlegmy likelihood to bring about, and signal patient and gentleness of movement of family member operation, at the same time directive and sober patient cooperates to may decrease those who suck phlegmy place to bring is unwell, cooperate in order to obtain what the patient reachs a household. Whether do the 5 distances that check tracheal spile to be apart from fore-tooth have fluctuant reach auscultation sound of double lung breath is symmetrical. Sound of breath of 6 auscultation double lung, in order to judge the place of phlegmy fluid. The 7 patients as a result of tracheal spile, what aeriform exchange does not pass nose pharynx ministry is wet change, make inside tracheal spile drier, reason should time do pulverization inspiratory 2 / D~4 second / D, arrive in order to rise the wet path that spend energy of life, avoid the end with phlegmy scabby fluid.


Building its free-flowing narrative around the controversial Patient Zero theory, as the ghost of Zero, allegedly that first man that brought AIDS to North America, begins to haunt Victorian explorer Sir Richard Burton, an anthropologist who drank from the fountain of youth and is working as chief taxidermist at the Natural history museum in Toronto.

今回走入爱滋病源头,一反当年谬误,派出活多一百岁的博物馆搞手,为「零号病人」翻案(当年指第一个将爱滋病从非洲带入北美的正是法籍加拿大空中少爷"Patient Zero"),为他筹办展览,於是与他的亡魂相遇、相识而相恋!

This academy sheds motivation to monitor appearance to detect with blood of impedance type heart patient of coronary heart disease 186, evaluate its heart function, report result analysis as follows now. 1.1 average data choose 1 data and method 2007 patient of 1~5 month be in hospital 186, male 91, female 95, age 41~89 year old, all be patient of coronary heart disease, among them instability angina patient 49, dead patient of stalk of acute cardiac muscle 24, amalgamative hypertension is ill 66, amalgamative diabetic 17, amalgamative heart function is not complete class of Ⅱ~Ⅲ person 30. The BioZ.com blood that 1.2 methods and measure choose company of American CardioDyamics international to produce is kinetic tutelar appearance, entire case all is be admitted to hospital that day or morrow detects, 25 patients treat 1 week hind to check again.


Needle taking place is commonly used the rescue that changes cure and danger to weigh a patient at patient of children, tumour, in infusion, because secure not firm outside can bringing about syringe needle slippery haemorrhage to be in charge of, cause local strut, aching, serious person can send infiltration of the certain pharmaceuticals that change cure to cause subcutaneous tissue hypodermically necrotic or the liquid cannot be defeated in time note and illness of incur loss through delay, new puncture increases the patient's anguish not only, also increased economic burden to also can be affected at the same time to the patient nurse working quality, the course relapses clinical experiment, my division adopts vein to accept the annular and fixed method of buy needle, obtained better result, introduce as follows now. 1 method is taken fixed stick (needle taking place is deployed) together, the disinfection that wide 10cm controls wraps cloth, two paragraphs of end are seamed on after sticking glue to buckle vein to leave buy needle puncture to succeed, convention is secured with adhesive plaster, next the ground degree of tightness will take stalk of handle of buy pinhead, needle, needle to be in firmly aptly fixed and fixed stick , next annular in blood-vessel twine stick on stick buckle. 2 experience apply this method to secure vein to left buy needle method to reduce the patient's anguish, reduced cost, provided mobile space for the patient, also avoid heparin cap prolapse, still facilitate observation puncture is nodded, do not affect hematic use, gauze pad can alleviate heparin cap is oppressive and unwell, reduce infusion pollution.

概要: 留置针常用于小儿、肿瘤患者化疗及危重患者的抢救,在输液中,由于固定不牢可导致针头滑出血管外,引起局部肿胀,疼痛,严重者可致某些化疗药物渗入皮下造成皮下组织坏死或液体不能及时输注而延误病情,重新穿刺不仅增加病人的痛苦,也给病人增加了经济负担同时也会影响护理工作质量,经过反复临床实验,我科采取静脉留置针的环形固定方法,取得了较好的效果,现介绍如下。1方法取固定贴一块,宽10cm左右的消毒包布,两段端缝上粘胶扣静脉留置针穿刺成功后,常规用胶布固定,然后将根据松紧适宜将留置针头、针柄、针梗处牢牢固定固定贴,然后在血管中环形缠绕粘上粘扣。2心得应用此方法固定静脉留置针方法减少了患者的痛苦,降低了费用,为患者提供了活动的空间,也避免肝素帽脱垂,还便于观察穿刺点,不影响血运,纱布衬垫可缓解肝素帽压迫不适,减少输液污染。

There is a mass noted over the posterior cervical space in the left posterior neck ,that corresponds to the mass palpated by patient.This mass appears hyperintense on T2 image,and shows moderate contrast enhancement.Radiograph confirmed the presence of a phlebolith at this location,and complementary ultrasound shows hypoechoic mass which is compressible.


Objective:To observe the effects of patient controlled epidural analgesia with ropivacaine mesilate and fentanyl and patient controlled intravenous analgesia with fentanyl and droperidol on clinical result and blood gas urdergoing laparoscopic rectectomy in aged patients.

目的:观察老年患者腹腔镜直肠癌术后甲磺酸罗哌卡因、芬太尼硬膜外自控镇痛(patient controlled epidural analgesia,PCEA)与芬太尼、氟哌利多静脉自控镇痛(patient controlled intravenous analgesia,PCIA)的临床效果及对血气的影响。

Objective:To observe the effects of patient controlled epidural analgesia with ropivacaine mesilate and fentanyl and patient controlled intravenous analgesia with fentanyl and droperidol on clinical result and blood gas urdergoing laparoscopic rectectomy in aged patients.Methods:Fifty??two patients ASAⅠ?

目的:观察老年患者腹腔镜直肠癌术后甲磺酸罗哌卡因、芬太尼硬膜外自控镇痛(patient controlled epidural analgesia,PCEA)与芬太尼、氟哌利多静脉自控镇痛(patient controlled intravenous analgesia,PCIA)的临床效果及对血气的影响。

The aim of this study was to gain an insight into the use and application of patient-centeredness to medical equipment design.


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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
