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与 organic 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Made from certified organic milk it is high in iron and zinc to help build strong bones and fight infection. Bellamy's Organic Toddler can be used instead of cow's milk as a drink and to make foods like custards and sauces.

Bellamy's Organic是由认证的有机鲜奶中提炼而成,富含儿童骨骼发育和增强免疫力所必需的铁和锌,从而代替牛奶成为孩子的饮品并大大提高他们的胃口

Made from certified organic milk it ishigh in iron and zinc to help build strong bones and fight infection. Bellamy'sOrganic Toddler can be used instead of cow's milk as a drink and to make foodslike custards and sauces.

Bellamy's Organic是由认证的有机鲜奶中提炼而成,富含儿童骨骼发育和增强免疫力所必需的铁和锌,从而代替牛奶成为孩子的饮品并大大提高他们的胃口。

Methods Detection was made on the parameters such as total chlorine, free chorine, turbidity, assimilable organic carbon in a northern city distribution network of China.

对我国北方某市市区配水管网中总余氯、自由余氯、浊度、可同化有机碳(assimilable organic carbon, AOC)等水质指标进行监测。

The present system consists of two cycles, organic Rankine cycle for recovering the waste heat in high-temperature exhaust and lubricant and Kalina cycle for recovering the waste heat in low-temperature cooling water.

此系统由用来回收温度较高的发动机排气余热及润滑油余热的有机Rankine循环(Organic Rankine Cycle, ORC)和用来回收温度较低的发动机冷却水余热的Kalina循环耦合而成。

Organic Light-emitting Devices have been considered as the dominant candidates for prospective electronic devices and will replace the liquid-crystal display technology gradually , because they have a series of attractile advantages such as high luminescence efficiency, full colour display, broad viewing angle, low operation voltage, short response time, low working temperature, etc.

有机发光器件(Organic Light-emitting Devices,OLEDs)具有高发光效率、全彩显示、广视角、低驱动电压、快速响应和低工作温度等一系列引人注目的先天优势,被认为将在很多领域逐渐取代液晶显示技术,成为下一代显示器的主导。同时,基于有机半导体的有机器件由于其广阔的应用前景而越来越多地受到人们的关注。

Semiconductor industry has been a central figure to the economic growth in Taiwan, especially for the fabrication sector of integrated circuit that has evolved into world-leading status. The fabrication technology advances so far that the feature size (or critical line-width) of IC devices has now broken the 0.1 ?慆 barrier and into the nano-scale age. This progress discloses that the traditional definition of a "cleanroom" environment may become increasingly inadequate because prevention of particulate contamination may no longer be a critical issue. As the condensable organic airborne molecular contaminants depositing on wafer surfaces, it results in deterioration on device performance and reduces semiconductor device yield.

半导体产业已成为我国最重要的经济发展产业,其中积体电路制造技术的快速发展,使我国早已跃升成为世界晶圆代工重镇之一,然而当制程的关键线宽尺寸突破0.1微米而正式进入奈米等级之际,传统针对微粒污染控制所设计之洁净室将无法符合气态分子污染物之洁净需求,其中凝结性有机分子污染物质(organic airborne molecular contaminants)一旦沈积吸附於晶圆表面,将导致元件缺陷与制程良率下降。

The results of the present research are as follows, The correlation between physico-chemical properties of organic compounds and their competitive power was studied, and it was indicated that organic compounds preferable to form H-bonding with organic matter of sorbents have stronger competitive power; Sorption behaviors of ionizable organic compounds in different species and their competitive power were examined, and the results showed that phenols and carbonxylic acids with benzyl circle have much stronger competitive power in molecular species than in ionized species, because negative charges of anionic forms can depressed their adsorption on the surface of the sediment; in contrast, organic bases such as aniline and p-chloroaniline show weaker competitive power in molecular species than in ionized species, and this is because both species of the organic bases could adsorb strongly onto the sediment; there is a correlation between competitive power of organic pollutants in multi-solute systems and their sorption isotherm nonlinearity in single-solute systems, and organic compounds whose sorption isotherms is linear in single-solute systems hardly have competitive power in multi-solute systems; Competitive sorption effects in more than two-solutes systems was studied, and it was exhibited that mixture of two cosolutes each of which could suppress sorption of nominal solute onto the sediment had synergistically competitive sorption effect on the nominal solute; A method about incorporating sorption/desorption of organic pollutants into river water quality model was developed, and discussion about degree of sorption/desorption effect on model prediction for different organic compounds was made, which will provide theoretical basis and practical processes for setting up more accurate water quality model.


Organic Rosehip Oil and Manuka Honey are two of the key ingredients that provide unique benefits for soft, supple healthy skin.

Organic Rosehip 油和Manuka Honey蜂蜜是得到柔软健康皮肤的独特好处的二个关键成份。

Organic light-emitting diodes are interesting candidates for prospective electronic devices in the field of flat-panel display technology, because they have advantages such as self-luminescence, low operating voltage below DC 5.0 V, high luminance and efficiency, broad viewing angle, short response time, etc.

OLED器件(Organic Light-emitting Devices)以其质轻、体薄、高亮度、自发光、快速响应、高分辨率、视角大、低电压驱动、低功耗、高效率、长寿命等突出优点被认为是下一代显示技术的最佳候选。

Organic photoconductive materials have been extensively applied to electrophotography, laser printer, photocell, holography, which are the important high-technological materials in modern information society.

有机光电导材料(Organic Photoconductive Material,简称OPC)在静电复印、激光打印、光电池、全息照像等领域有广泛应用,已成为现代信息社会不可缺少的高技术材料。

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Organic Shadows
Organic Anti-Beat Box Band

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
