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与 optical 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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如果是的话,我推荐这个网站给你: Zenni Optical ZenniOptical.com 为你在线出售时髦,漂亮的的眼镜,从框架到镜片都提供各种不同的样式,上面有一些样式的图片,你可以看一下。

Methods this experiment chose seven parameter of cell nuclear, including the area and integral optical density, determined the changes of DNA content in the kidney cellule of 15 rats at different intervals between 0 and 48h postmortem with auto-TV-image system.

方法应用电脑图像分析技术,测定了15只大鼠在死后48h内不同时间点大鼠肾细胞核DNA含量的面积、等效直径(Mean-Dia,MD)、异形指数(Indexofdensity,ID)、平均光度(Average optical density,AOD)、积分光度(Integral optical density,IOD)、密度变化数(L-Den-Coe,LDC)和平均灰度(Averagegray,AG)等七项参数的变化值。

Multi-granularity Optical Cross-Connect has been proposed to provide a cost efficient way to support the increasing number of traffic requests.

多单位光学交换器(Multi-granularity Optical Cross-Connect)架构是为了提供一个有效节省成本的方式来供应越来越大的网路资料流量的需求。

Abstract] Objective To assess a new imaging technique,optical coherence tomography,for the diagnosis of central serous choroidoretinopathy.Methods Forty-five cases (45 eyes) of CSC were examined by ophthalmoscopy,binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy and OCT.Some patients were monitored by OCT.

摘要] 目的评价光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT )对中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变的临床诊断价值方法对45例(45眼)中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变患者散瞳后分别进行直接检眼镜、双目间接检眼镜、OCT 检查。9例复查时再次进行OCT检查。

POS can mean "sale", is a kind of with barcode or Optical character recognition terminal light character reader, have cash or barter quota cashier function.

POS的中文意思是"销售点",是一种配有条码或OCR码(Optical character recognition 光字符码)终端阅读器,有现金或易货额度出纳功能。

In order to reduce the cost of interconnecting between high speed optical equipments, optical internetworking forum had made a serial of implementation agreements of optic interlink within very short distance, namely VSR interface agreements. Its key intention is to replace high speed serial parallel optic link with low-speed parallel optic link for lower costs. VSR is a kind of physics layers transmitting technology. At present, OIF had put forward VSR interface implementation agreements of 10Gbit/s and 40Gbit/s.

为了降低不同设备间采用高速光互联的成本,光互连论坛(Optical Internetworking Forum,OIF)制订了一系列应用于甚短距离(very short reach,VSR)光互联的协议,也即是VSR接口协议,其核心是采用低速并行光链路代替高速串行的光链路,以降低成本。

At last using ODTR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer) to measure the attenuation of the Rayleigh intensity at the starting point of fiber, the disturbance and breakage of pipeline is detected, and the location where the optical attenuation occurred is located.

在入射端利用光时域反射技术(ODTR, Optical Time Domain Reflectometer)测量瑞利散射光的损耗变化,检测管道受到的扰动破坏和实现扰动点的定位,进而在破坏的初期即可实现报警。

All cases were examined with retinoscope or retinography, fundus fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography pre- and postoperatively.

术前术后进行眼底检查、眼底照相、荧光素眼底血管造影(fundus fluorescein angiography ,FFA)以及光学相干断层成像术检查(optical coherence tomography, OCT),将各种检查结果进行比较及评价。

As a example, four kinds of switch structures are discussed, numerical results show that the off/on extinction ratio can be less than -90 dB and the dynamic switching range can be less than 0.03 Pc/100, and as an optical stabilizator, the fluctuation of the limiting power level can be less than 10-7Pc.

数值分析表明,级联耦合器作为全光开关,消光比可小于-90 dB,动态开关区可小于3×10-4 Pc;作为光功率稳定器和光学限幅器,其输出光功率起伏可小于10-7 Pc。标签非线性耦合光开关光限幅器 nonlinear coupling optical switch optical limiter

Optical Proximity Effect, as a technical terminology, usually refers to all of the undesired pattern vs. layout distortions caused by mask making, optical lithography and etching.

当集成电路的特征尺寸接近曝光系统的理论分辨率极限时,在硅圆片表面制造出来的图形相对于电路版图会有明显的畸变,这种现象通常称为光刻邻近效应(Optical Proximity Effect,OPE)。

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Optical Illusion

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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
