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与 marine 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Marine steel include bulb steel, angle bar, H shape steel, channel steel, flat-bulb steel, round steel, half-round bar steel, square steel and steel pipe and so on should be in accordance with relative regulation, and the negative size and thickness should be in accordance with national ship regulation, national relative standard and the standard of metallurgy field.

1.2 。1 。4 船用型钢 1.2 。1 。4 Marine steel 船用型钢包括球扁钢,角钢,工字钢,槽钢,扁钢,圆钢,半圆钢,方钢和钢管等,除应符合相应的规定外,其尺度及厚度负偏差均应分别按我国船舶规范和有关的国家标准及冶金专业标准检验。

The relationship between hooking rates of bigeye tuna and sea surface temperature in tuna longline of the East Pacific Ocean was analyzed by Marine Explorer 4.0 and SPSS 11.0 with the environmental data derived from website and fisheries data derived from SPC.

利用1995~2001年7~11月表温数据和生产统计数据,采用GIS软件Marine Explorer 4.0和统计软件SPSS 11.0分析了东太平洋金枪鱼延绳钓大眼金枪鱼钓获率与海水表温之间的关系。

It is designed to reflect the recent changes to SQA/Marine and Coastguard Agency Certificate of Competency exams.


Marine Coquet, 20, a history and political science student, led a cluster of about 150 students from the Sorbonne in chants against such center-right leaders as President Jacques Chirac and Nicholas Sarkozy, the interior minister.

Marine Coquet,20岁,一名历史和政治科学学生,她带领大约150名学生在索邦大学齐声歌唱反对偏右翼领导人总统雅克-希拉克和内政部长尼古拉斯-萨科奇。

Colin Devey, of the Leibnitz Institute of Marine Sciences in Germany, said: The ocean ridges are active volcanic landscapes… that is not a fragile environment.

德国莱布尼茨海洋科学研究所(Leibnitz Institute of Marine Sciences)的科林·德维表示:大洋脊是一片活火山……不是脆弱的环境。

He had beem given because of the pain from his heart attack made his eyes weak and he only dimly saw the young man in marine corps unifrom standing outside the oxygen tent.

由于心脏病,他视力变弱,他隐约看见海军特种部队整齐地站在氧气罩外。词组有 heart attack 心脏病突发 dimly是微弱的的意思 marine 是海军 corps 是特种部队

ZF MARINE Group, headquartered in Padova, Italy, and with large-scale manufacture divisions in Brazil, Italy and France, working at designing, manufacturing and selling of marine propulsion systems, is a renowned international marine propulsion systems supplying company.

ZF MARINE 是国际知名海事集团公司,总部设在意大利帕多瓦,在巴西、意大利、法国等地设有大型生产基地,从事船用推进系统研发设计、生产与销售。

The state had not escaped the national downturn, they said; recently Mercury Marine, a motor manufacturer, had announced plans to close its plant in Stillwater with the loss of 450 jobs.

他们说这个州并没能从国家经济低迷时期中幸免于难;Mercury Marine,一个发动机制造厂商,近来宣布要关闭Stillwater的工厂并裁减450个岗位。

As for harmonicas, he used Hohner's Marine Band.

他特别喜欢喜欢使用hohner的marine band口琴。

On a regular 10-hole diatonic, or Marine Band type harmonica, the standard blues note bending technique involves an interaction between two reeds, one blow and one draw. On this style harmonica, only the higher pitched of the two notes from any given reed cell can be bent and then only to a point somewhat above that of the lower pitched reed.

在一般10孔口琴或者Marine Band类口琴上,标准布鲁斯压音是通过两个簧片(一个吸音簧片,一个吹音簧片)的协同振动实现的;所以只有两个音符中的高音符可以被压音,而且压音音符的音高也高于低音音符。

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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
