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与 manifesto 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's disappointing to see Annette's manifesto was a total sham.


It was a manifesto, part of a revolution that put an end to the anti-intellectualism of American finance and transformed financial markets from bull rings into today's quantitative powerhouses.


Here's my manifesto on why debt is bad and what you need to do about it.


The Starbucks mission manifesto is general Barke completes the global coffee the eminent, and, in the company grows unceasingly in process, firm especially consistent service principle.


Up to the end of 2002, it has celebrated fourteen meetings between Ministers and ten informality meetings between torchbearers. And it has passed multi-manifesto about economic Co-operation and the freedom about investing in the seven seas that had active effect to the development of economic and smoke the calumet together, and harmony in the person of these manifestos.


Is the freedom, is the fashion, is also comfortable, is a paper unique life style clang acid manifesto.


"The Manifesto of the Communist Party "is one of the greatest classics in history.


As he and his now collaborator Engels wrote in the Communist Manifesto


The good love manifesto is leaves the other member first impression the best way, but many members actually have not taken love manifesto, is only the simple several characters, very few several, let the human look insipidly, such love manifesto will never arouse others' interest, even if your own condition were very superior, is also neglected very easily by the human, will not make the very deep impression to the human.


In 1993, professor Michael Hammer of MIT and James champy co-author the book of Reengineering the corporation ----- a Manifesto For Business Revolution, put forward the concept of BPR. BPR's central thoughts is to redesign the business process, produces the valuable result, decrease cost, improve the quality, speed and service, finally improve the performance of enterprises from the customers' need taking the business process as reforming objective.

业务流程再造(Business Process Reengineering ――BPR)概念的提出是1993年,美国麻省理工学院迈可·哈默教授与詹姆斯·钱辟合著的《再造公司――企业革命的宣言》(Reengineering The Corporation ――A Manifesto For Business Revolution)一书,其概念的核心含义就是指从顾客的需求出发,以企业流程为改造对象,对企业流程进行根本性的思考和分析,通过对企业流程构成要素的重新组合,以此实现企业业务流程彻底的重新设计,产生出更为有价值的结果,在成本、产品质量、服务和速度等方面获得戏剧化的改善,从而获得企业绩效的巨大改善。

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23 (The Youth Manifesto)
Your Manifesto
The Manifesto
Manifesto (Les Divisions De La Joie)
Manifesto No. 1
Manifesto No. 2

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
