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manhood suffrage相关的网络例句

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与 manhood suffrage 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An increasing number of states granted white manhood suffrage during his administration.


These constitutions provided for universal manhood suffrage, frequent elections and effective popular control of the executive and judiciary


The United States took the lead in abolishing the property qualifications and in the establishment of manhood suffrage. However, it is the last developed country to realize universal suffrage.


However, Cromwell opposed demands for manhood suffrage ("one man, one vote") and other social and political reforms.


These constitutions provided for universal manhood suffrage, frequent elections and effetive popular control of the executive and judiciary.


During her reign, she introduced a number of constitutional changes and the spirit of these changes led to the publishing of the people's charter, which laid out six demands including universal manhood suffrage and annual parliamentary elections.



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