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level and smooth相关的网络例句

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与 level and smooth 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Smooth and level in the air, like a girl, has put on certainly the beautiful blue color summer clothes, but between the neck actually revolved section of certainly thin certainly light white gauze kerchiefs.


But the halls on this level, harshly lit and paneled in smooth metal, offered little by way of concealment.


Softener White particle thick liquid. Can be adsorbed on the surface of fabric to make cloth smooth, soft and non-stat. Soften treat for towel, bath mat, bath towel etc. At low water level, room-temp. 3-5 minutes, 30-40g/10kg dry fabric.

柔软剂 乳白色粘稠液体能吸附在纤维表面,使织物滑爽、蓬松、抗静电,易干燥脱水用于毛巾、地巾、浴巾等巾类织物的柔软处理低水位、常温、3-5分钟、每10千克干织物加30-40克

Conveyor Belt gradeability have applied to transfer the level of bad circumstances, to be completed for transmission to smooth conveyor and roller conveyor or chain feeder plate.


Business: metal processing machinery manufacturing, mold | fixture | Instruments accessories processing | repair and sales of major products: flat-panel inquiry scraping, grinding plate, testing platform, crossed platform, the assembly platform , Maohan platform, surveying platforms, the basic platform, testing platform, welding platform, San Zuobiao platform, combined platform, T-slot splicing platform, parallel-foot, the bridge-foot, rectangular-foot, point-foot , Cubic feet, to me, V-Rail, the partial-place check, the new partial-place, micrometer, school-axis, flatness Qiaoban adjustable, adjustable level of regulation, crossed disk, magnetic to me, magnetic V-type planes, V-shaped pieces of steel planes, machine damping Sizing Block, adjustable Sizing Block, ladder Sizing Block, Pad, chrome-plated jack, the southbound span Jack, Park-testing wand, Park-Jiaochi, table with chrome Park Jiao Chi-chu, Her taper gauge, Her taper shank test rods, 7:24 taper shank test rods, proof-reading Cypriot ring for smooth, sinusoidal regulation, the board cards, aluminum model of the arc, the arc of mold Model-foot aluminum, magnesium-alloy-foot primers, Dummy Bar, granite slab, granite-foot, granite cubic feet, granite, me, V-shaped granite blocks, wrenches Plum, knock - Wrenches, stay wrenches, single wrenches, bending handle wrench, straight handle wrench, convex-wrench, pry bar wrenches, sockets and heavy anti-explosive tool product line.


Firstly, through applying Hilbert-Sobolev norm to measure fidelity term, a total variation filter is used to smooth the normal vectors of the level curves of a noise image. And then, a model is constructed to find a surface which fit smoothed normal vectors.

该方法首先引入负指数Hilbert- Sobolev范数度量逼近项,对图像水平曲线的法向量场进行全变差正则化磨光,然后构造出一个曲面拟合模型,拟合磨光后的流场。

However, the overall level of premium Canton has been very smooth, it is learned that Guangzhou residential land prices last year and even a slight decrease.


Use extreme care and restrict the movement of portable banks to localize movement on clean, smooth , level stationary surfaces.


V5 a2 s: \6 O4 z ·Use extreme care and restrict the movement of portable banks to localize movement on clean, smooth, level stationary surfaces.


Mallets should be smooth and level, weight, and in each of the mallets on the plane marked with the actual weight of a heavy hammer markings.


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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
