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与 incapable 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolution, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without and convulsion within.


After such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers,incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.


That is incapable and is tiny , my heart , a gloominess .


It does not matter that Emile Heskey, England's striker, is goal-shy, shot-shy and incapable of holding a place in the Aston Villa team.


Be also say at three A the following hospital once patient's condition be urgent, the hospital be incapable for the dint and does the hook carry a helicoid disease demand 12 to confirm?


Thus for a long time everywhere in Hellas do we find causes which make the states alike incapable of combination for great and national ends, or of any vigorous action of their own.


As things now stand, discord in the Palestinians' ill-matched unity government between the Islamists of Hamas and their secular rivals in Fatah means that they are incapable of bringing militants who send rockets and suicide bombers into Israel to heel.


The result in either event is that the transformed plants are incapable of synthesizing ethylene, though other aspects of their metabolism are not affected.


A gun, after all, is an inanimate object that is incapable of acting on its own.


I have been working hard, but i felt incapable of this job.


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Incapable Of Love

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
