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与 hor. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to understand this essay fully, you should read more about its aut hor.


Followed by the function of the insurance, the aut hor introduces the cause and the particular situation in our country in detail.


Take Aaron and Eleazar his son and bring them up to Mount Hor.


Get Aaron and his son Eleazar and take them up Mount Hor.


According to the contemporary theory of metapho r, abstract thought and metaphysics are not literal-only, fleshless , non-metap hor and non-embodied any more, so that the rational tradition of Western philos ophy was questioned.


Paley, who wrote his "Hor Paulin" in 1790, set forth this side of the argument long before these objections were thought of; and the fact that he can still be quoted, without qualification, in this connection, is the best proof of the futility of all such objections.

佩利,谁写下了" Hor Paulin "在1790年的规定,这方面的争论早在这些反对意见被认为是和事实,他仍可以被引用,没有资格在这方面,是最好的证明所有这些都是徒劳的反对。

So if, for instance, ___ hor is not found under Heth, Waw and Yodh, it would be advisable to look under ___ hor where it does appear.

所以,如果举例来说, ___激素找不到下Heth ,瓦乌和Yodh ,最好是寻找下___激素而没有出现。

Yet, even prescinding from the fact that in the Aramaic tongue the copula est is usually omitted and that such an omission rather makes for its strict meaning of "to be", Cardinal Wiseman (Hor Syriac, Rome, 1828, pp. 3-73) succeeded in producing no less than forty Syriac expressions conveying the meaning of "to signify" and thus effectually exploded the myth of the Semitic tongue's limited vocabulary.

然而,即便prescinding从事实,即在阿拉姆语母语的Copula的预测通常是省略,并表示,这种疏忽,而使得其严格意义上的&必须&,枢机怀斯曼( hor syriac ,罗马, 1828年,第3-73 )成功地制造了不少於四十叙利亚文表情传达的意思&,以象徵&,从而有效地爆炸了神话闪舌头有限的词汇。

Yet, even prescinding from the fact that in the Aramaic tongue the copula est is usually omitted and that such an omission rather makes for its strict meaning of "to be", Cardinal Wiseman (Hor Syriac, Rome, 1828, pp. 3-73) succeeded in producing no less than forty Syriac expressions conveying the meaning of "to signify" and thus effectually exploded the myth of the Semitic tongue's limited vocabulary.

然而,即便prescinding从事实,即在阿拉姆语母语的Copula的预测通常是省略,并表示,这种疏忽,而使得其严格意义上的&必须&,枢机怀斯曼( hor syriac ,罗马, 1828年,第3-73 )成功地制造了不少于四十叙利亚文表情传达的意思&,以象征&,从而有效地爆炸了神话闪舌头有限的词汇。

Hor Namhong said 10 Thai soldiers have surrendered, were being well-treated, and would be returned to Thailand, though he did not say when.

Hor Namhong 还声称有十名泰国士兵投降,目前这十名士兵的状态良好,并将在日后被遣返回泰国。但他没有具体说什么时候这些士兵会被遣返。

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The Reign Ov Shemsu-Hor

Following the pattern set by the first two Desolator Airstrikes, the Desolator Delta Airstrike utilizes three bombers and has a very large area of effect.


These structures impose limits on risk-taking that publicly traded companies do not.


It is the outcome of presupposition.
