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与 glucagon 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective: To investigate the effect of glucagon-like peptide 1 on the functions of rat pancreatic islets.


Methods: The blood levels of insulin, glucagon and somatostatin before and on 60 minutes after ingestion of test meal were measured by radioimmunassay in 40 children with OB and 30 age-sex matched healthy children as controls.

采用放射免疫分析法测定SO患儿空腹和摄入液体实验餐6 0min时外周血胰岛素、胰高血糖素和生长抑素水平。

Hexokinse is inhibited by glucose 6-phosphate which builds up after PFKis inhibited.Pyruvate kinase is activated by fructose 1,6-bisphosphate but allosterically inhibited by ATP and alanine. Like PFK,it is also regulated hormonally by glucagon.

己糖既没被 PFK 受到抑制后积累的葡萄糖 6-磷酸激活,但受到 ATP 和丙氨酸的别构抑制;像 PFK 一样,它也受到胰高血糖素的调节。

The enzyme that synthesizes fructose 2,6-bisphosphate(phosphofructokinase2;PFK2) and the enzyme that hydrolyzes it back to fructose 6-phosphate(fructose bisphosphatase2;FBPase2)are also regulate hormonally by glucagon that causes glycolysis to slow down when the blood glucose level falls.

合成果糖 2 , 6-二磷酸的酶(磷酸果糖激酶; PFK2 )和水解使它回到果糖 6-磷酸的酶(果糖二磷酸酶二; FBPase2 )也是受胰高血糖素的调节,当血糖水平下降时使糖酵解变缓。

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