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It appeared in a local broadsheet and was a woodcut by Hans Glasser.


To install Glasser, first download the file, then drag and drop it to your Firefox window.


We used this doses according to Glasser et al7 because of their good short-term results.


The properties of volume and surface for pure EMIBF4 were discussed in terms of the interstice model and Glasser's theory.


Keywords Ionic liquid;Density;Surface tension;AlCl3;Interstice model;Glasser′s theory

离子液体;密度;表面张力; AlCl3;空隙模型; Glasser理论

"We've been able to take very large fibroids (12-14 cm in diameter) out through these small incisions by first morsellating the fibroid with a scalpel before enucleating it," said Dr. Glasser, noting the advantage over laparoscopy, which is not recommended for fibroids greater than 7 cm in diameter."It's a little different approach, but it works very well and it's a hemostatic way of performing a myomectomy," he added.


"One advantage of doing minilaparotomy as opposed to laparoscopy is that you're able to suture the uterine defect closed in a myomectomy in the classic three-layered fashion," said Dr. Glasser, emphasizing the reduced risk of scar rupture in childbirth."The other advantage is you're able to palpate the uterus and feel small fibroids that ordinarily could not be felt or recognized with a laparoscopic approach."


Haemophilus parasuis disease caused by the HPS is also designated as Haemophilus pig disease, Glaser Glaser's disease or Gram's disease (Glasser's disease) and characterized by multiple serositis and arthritis.

副猪嗜血杆菌( Haemophilus parasuis , HPS )病也又称猪副嗜血杆菌病、格拉泽氏病或革拉泽氏病(Glasser's disease),是由HPS引起的猪的以多发性浆膜炎和关节炎为主要特征的一类疾病。

"This little plastic and rubber self-retaining retractor enables one to do the procedure through a very small incision, without traumatizing the abdominal wall by placing metal self-retaining retractors on the rectus muscles and then pulling them apart with force," explained Dr. Glasser, noting that most postoperative abdominal pain is due to such trauma.


Dr. Glasser reviewed the records of 139 women (mean age, 38.9 years; range, 23-56 years) who underwent minilaparotomy myomectomy between January 1995 and December 2003. The procedure was performed through a four- to six-inch suprapubic cruciate incision using an atraumatic Mobius retractor, thus allowing more operating surface area than a Pfannensteil incision.

Glasser医师所分析的资料包含139位女性患者(平均年龄38.9岁,年龄介於23到56岁),这些患者都在1995年1月至2003年12月间,以小型腹腔手术去除子宫肌瘤;手术方式为先在耻骨上作一4到6英吋的十字型手术切口,再以非创伤性的Mobius(Apple Medical公司供应)牵开器将手术切口撑开;相较於Pfannensteil切割法,此法会产生的较大的手术表面积。

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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
