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generation after generation相关的网络例句

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与 generation after generation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From SPF wister rats were extracted from the femur BMSCs nestin cultivation, and third generation will BMSCs and join BMP - 2 after polylactic acid/Hydroxyapatite Poly (Lactid Hydroxyapatite/L - and PLLA/HA) composite material compound for in vitro cell culture, BMSCs MTT method in detecting the proliferation of biological material surface conditions, Scanning electron microscopy to observe its surface ultrastructure and cells in the growth of the material.

从SPF级wister大鼠股骨中提取BMSCs进行原代和传代培养,将第三代BMSCs与加入BMP-2前后的聚乳酸/羟基磷灰石(Poly L-Lactid /Hydroxyapatite, PLLA/HA)复合材料复合进行体外细胞培养,MTT法检测BMSCs在生物材料表面的增殖情况;SEM观察其表面超微机构及细胞在材料上的生长情况。

After converting two of its DCs into its "New Generation" format, just last year the company finished its third, and biggest distribution center yet - a 650,000 square-foot facility in Lakeland, Florida, built as a state-of-the-art complex from the ground up.

转换后,它的两个区议会纳入其&新一代&格式,只是去年该公司完成其第三,和最大的配送中心,但-6 50000平方英尺的设施,莱克兰,佛罗里达州,建作为一个国家---艺术复杂,从地面到了。

Methods: 86 patients were given percutaneous nephrolithotomy using third generation swiss lithoclast master.told the patients to lie up after the skill,drink more water.strengthen the management of catheterization tube and kidney and make fistula,did the guidance before patients leaving hospital.


After years of looking for steady work in this moribund coal region, Mariola Pokropp found it in 2006 at Eickhoff, a 145-year-old manufacturer of mining equipment that has reinvented itself in green times, retooling its assembly lines to make 30-ton gearboxes for wind power generation.


We selected the 2nd and the 3rd generation yeast with powerful vitality from the yeast mud fermented in tanks in working field as the ideal species source separated from yeast monoplast in beer and the ways to obtain them were as follows: 24 hours after deoxidisation of diacetyl to threshold value and decrease of its temperature to 5℃ was the best time for selection and sample-extraction location was at the nozzle of pressure-discharge pipes.

摘 要:从生产现场大罐发酵的酵母泥中选取第2~3代生命力强的酵母作为啤酒酵母单细胞分离的理想种源,选取的最好时间为双乙酰还原至阈值后降温至5℃,并让其停留24h时取样位置为排压酵母的管口,最后将所得菌种进行初选、复选或模拟生产恒温培养鉴定,选出优良菌株。

Second generation lar-vae and nymphae are fed to healthy donkey,after larvae and nymphae are engorged anddropped,they were also put in incubator to moult.


After decades at the Agency, he has perfected the look and the attitude of a career spook. He wears a smart dark suit and that inevitable flourish of the house eccentric, a bow tie. Osborne's Olympian contempt for his superiors, his overcareful pronunciation of French words, the modest shock value of a Princeton man spicing every sentence with the f-word — all these mark him as hailing from that generation and class of American spies who considered themselves more knowledgeable, hard-thinking and highly pedigreed than the politicians they worked for, yet who managed to miss the collapse of the Soviet Union, the international ambitions of al-Qaeda and the existence in their midst of Soviet-paid moles like Aldrich Ames.

在中情局工作数十年后,在一次关于他职业的谈话中表现的很&完美&:考究的暗色西服,不可避免的一屋子怪癖,一个蝴蝶结,他严肃的蔑视自己的长官,对法语单词严谨的发音,在每个句子里都有的f-word,这些都表明他是那种间谍认为自己只是的阶层和时代,为他们效力的政客努力思考并高度注意来历的,设法达成对苏联解体的回避,对基地组织的国际性报复和在他们之中像Aldrich Ames那样苏联间谍的存在。

A negotiable document having enhanced security for deterring the generation of counterfeit photocopies of the negotiable document, said negotiable document comprising: a front face; a signature area located on the front face; a first pantographic background design creating a seemingly random background covering a first area of the negotiable document; and a second pantographic design creating a seemingly random background covering the signature area of the negotiable document; and a warning clause, located in the signature area, having a background and print that is visible prior to and after any photocopying of the negotiable document and describing the second pantographic design of the signature area.


However, as we all know that the resistance appeared after the long term use of fungicides, discovering new generation of fighting resistence with novel frame construction has become a challenged poject in pesticidal field.


Text generation, this is human after Jieshengjishi to object on behalf of the language, pictographic symbols, etc. depicts the results of long-term practice, of course, not an individual credit.


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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
