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与 diameters 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's found that successful two-phase pulse detonations can be achieved in tubes with diameters less than cell size of mixtures.


The apparent morphology,the state of aggregation and the particle diameters of polyvinyl chloride resin s by different polymerizations are investigated by transmiting electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction patterns.


Methods: Paraffin (7 μm in thickness) and methacrylate resin (25 μm) embedded renal sections were observed using 40× objective lens and 100× oil lens, respectively, and the volume fractions and diameters of the renal tubules and the tubule nuclei were estimated with stereological methods.

分别用高倍镜(40×物镜)和油镜(10 0×)观察石蜡(7μm厚)和甲基丙烯酸树脂(2 5 μm厚)包埋的肾脏切片,利用体视学方法测量肾小管的体积分数和直径以及肾小管细胞核的体积分数和直径。

He taught himself new methods for grinding and polishing tiny lenses of great curvature which gave magnifications up to 270 diameters, the finest known at that time.


These nanowires have diameters in the range of 10~200 nm, and lengths up to tens or hundreds of micrometers.


Actual outside diameters in millimetres for pipe are identical to those corresponding to the nominal pipe size in inches.


In recent years, this technique has been used in more than 30 internal floating roof and fixed roof oil tanks with diameters of 37 ̄46 meters.


Ewikon's electric needle drive unit can be used with nozzles having flow channel diameters from 3 to 9 mm, covering a broad shot-weight range.


By Tyndall effect, electronic microscopic and super-filtering experiments, it was proved that V3-Al2Cl catalyst is a colloidal catalyst in butadiene-containing toluene solvent, which belongs to a multiphase catalyst. The diameters of the catalytic particles are from 1 nm to 100 nm, and the active sites are on the surface of the amorphous colloidal particles.

通过Tyndall效应、电镜观察和超过滤实验,证明了在溶有丁二烯的甲苯溶剂中V3-Al2Cl催化体系以小颗粒分散,粒径在1~100 nm之间,为胶体催化剂,属于高度分散的多相催化体系。

In this study, the experiments were carried out in Plexiglas columns, whose diameters are 200mm and 1200mm respectively.


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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
