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与 canal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"We've had a stellar earnings season," said Tom Wirth, senior investment officer at Chemung Canal Trust Co., which manages $1.6 billion in Elmira, New York."Fundamentals are improving and that should give support for the stocks rally we've seen since March."

"我们有了一个很棒的赢利的年景,"在纽约州的埃尔迈拉管理着16亿美元资产的Chemung Canal Trust Co的高级投资主管Tom Wirth说:"基本面向好,这将支持自3月以前我们所看到的股市复苏"

"Manaus can no longer live with this wave of crime," Souza, 50, frequently told the audience of his daily show Canal Livre."Nowadays everyone is killing."

"玛瑙斯不能再容忍这些犯罪事件了,"在他主持的每天播放的电视节目《Canal Livre》中,50岁的Souza经常这样对观众说,"如今每个人都在杀人。"

In a 2008 speech at Manaus's local parliament, Souza boasted that Canal Livre enjoyed complete editorial freedom and was conducted with "journalistic responsibility".

2008年,在玛瑙斯当地议会的一次演讲中,Souza声称《Canal Livre》享有完整的评论自由权,并且履行了"新闻业的责任"。

In a 2008 speech at Manaus's local parliament, Souza boasted that Canal Livre enjoyed complete editorial freedom and was conductedwith "journalistic responsibility".

2008年,在玛瑙斯当地议会的一次演讲中,Souza声称《Canal Livre》享有完整的评论自由权,并且履行了"新闻业的责任"。

Although the name is new – coined by city planners in the 1960s to designate the "Triangle Below Canal Street," an area bordered on the north by Canal Street, on the east by Broadway, on the west by the Hudson River and on the south by Vesey Street – t...

虽然名字是新的-由城市计划者铸造在60年代选定"三角在运河街道之下",区域毗邻了与北部由Canal Street,与东部由Broadway,与西部由哈得逊河和与南部由Vesey Street -邻里我们现在叫Tribeca建于城市的早期。

Although the name is new – coined by city planners in the 1960s to designate the "Triangle Below Canal Street," an area bordered on the north by Canal Street, on the east by Broadway, on the west by the Hudson River and on the south by Vesey Street – the neighborhood that we now call Tribeca dates back to the city's earliest years.

虽然名字是新的-由城市计划者铸造在60年代选定"三角在运河街道之下",区域毗邻了与北部由Canal Street,与东部由Broadway,与西部由哈得逊河和与南部由Vesey Street -邻里我们现在叫Tribeca建于城市的早期。

Objective To summarize the experience of surgical treatment of complete atrioventricular canal defect in 94 patients.

目的总结94例完全性房室通道(complete atrioventricular canal defect,CAVCD)的外科治疗经验。

"We've had a stellar earnings season," said Tom Wirth, senior investment officer at Chemung Canal Trust Co., which manages $1.6 billion in Elmira, New York."Fundamentals are improving and that should give support for the stocks rally we've seen since March."

&我们有了一个很棒的赢利的年景,&在纽约州的埃尔迈拉管理着16亿美元资产的Chemung Canal Trust Co的高级投资主管Tom Wirth说:&基本面向好,这将支持自3月以前我们所看到的股市复苏&

The head is slowly turned 90° toward the side where nystagmus is induced less intensely. Then the head is rotated 180° rapidly toward the opposite side. This article reports three cases of the ageotropic form of HC-BPPV that were cured by rapid head rotation. The three cases demonstrated that rapid head rotation was an effective maneuver to treat cupulolithiasis on the utricle side. It is recommended that rapid head rotation can be used for therapeutic diagnosis: If nystagmus subsides immediately after this maneuver, the diagnosis is cupulolithias is on utricle side. If nystagmus changes into the geotropic form, the diagnosis is cupulolithiasis on canal side or canalolithiasis in the anterior arm of horizontal semicircular canal. A repositioning maneuver for geotropic form can then be applied to treat these patients.

逆地眼振型水平半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕的3种耳石可能位置如下:水平半规管前臂的管耳石、管侧的顶帽沉石(canal side cupulo-lithias1s)与囊侧的顶帽沉石,本文报告3例以快速转头治疗逆地眼振型水平半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕成功的病例,显示快速转头法对囊侧的顶帽沉石具迅速有效的治疗效果,对於逆地眼振型水平半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕的治疗,作者建议先以快速转头作治疗性诊断,若病人马上复原,诊断为囊侧的顶帽沉石;若眼振转为向地型,则诊断为水平半规管前臂的管耳石或管侧的顶帽沉石,进一步再以向地型的耳石复位法治疗病人。

Only 27% of canal cutters with known host ranges are generalists that feed on plants in multiple families. The proportion of generalist canal cutters is similar or lower than estimates of generalists among phytophagous insects overall.

已知寄主范围的 canal cutters 中只有27%取食跨越多个科的寄主植物,此比例接近或低於整体植食性昆虫中评估为广食性者的比例。

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Erie Canal
A Man. A Plan. A Canal. Panama.
Royal Canal (The Auld Triangle)
Canal Street

The sun will go downhill soon , I sit to be dead tired on the bicycle, Wang Ming also feels very weary , we have a rest thereupon on arriving in a slice exuberant grassplot.


My professional interest is the type of community-based enterprises.


This is I last time bursts into tears for you!
