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basketball team相关的网络例句

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与 basketball team 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am, a volleyball team as well as the captain of a basketball team.


Tell you the truth, I know nothing about sports games but basketball, because my husband used to be a backfield at collage basketball team, so he effects me as well, but whatever, I am a outsider at sports fields.


Oh, we don't want him to our basketball team, he's a bookworm , all he does is study, I bet he's not going to be very good at basketball.


He practiced with Occidental's basketball team for several weeks but said basketball took up too much time.


When I got together with 25-year-old former basketball star Michael Evans a couple of weeks ago, his conundrum (described in my previous column) was how to continue to lead a travel basketball team comprised of five Catholic and five Protestant high school boys in Belfast, Northern Ireland, with limited money, insufficient resources, a demanding job as an overnight journalist with Cablevision Systems' News Channel 12, and virtually no spare time.

当我几周前和这位25岁前篮球明星Michael Evans会面时,他的难题是如何在有限的金钱、不足的资源情况下来继续带领来自北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特的五名天主教、五名新教高中生共同组成的国外篮球队。作为一名在Cablevision Systems新闻频道12的晚间记者,这项工作是苛刻的、基本没有空闲时间。

At the same time for the Olympic operation have their own brand of clear thinking, always revolved around basketball to start as early as the beginning of the 1990s, sports products for the operation of the brand is also no clear concept on the Olympic "August 1" basketball team, Provide competition, special training shoes, Bayi team made the championship game, then on to achieve seven consecutive championships, Olympic became the first country to produce extra large shoes of the enterprise.


In addition, the men's basketball warm-up match will be accumulated through the wealth of experience, the current Stankovic Cup in China men's basketball team to do the main objective of the Angolan repatriation main source for the Chinese men's basketball to find out the other side "family property" provides a valuable opportunity.


For being able to let Troy throw into basketball game wholeheartedly, let Gabriella prepare all-round competition of learning , member of basketball team and member of learning agency uniting choosing dissuading them from withdrawing from music drama carefully.


In the academic year's first inter-varsity basketball competition, the Men's Basketball team won the 1st Runner-up spot in the Jackie Chan Challenge Inter-collegiate Basketball competition last week.


Leading up to the closing ceremony, the United States basketball team, the self-named "Redeem Team," defeated Spain to recapture the gold medal.

开幕式走在最前面的是自称为&Redeem Team&的美国篮球队,他们击败了西班牙队重新夺回了金牌。

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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
