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与 album 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chenopodium album,Solanum nigrum, and Amaranthus retroflexus were very susceptible to the herbicides. Polygonum persicaria and Abutilon theophrasti were relatively less susceptible to the herbicides, and Lycopersicon esculentum was not susceptible to it. The relationship between reduction rates of weed biomass and PPM values of weed leaves 2,4, and 6 days after treatment was established.

供试的6种杂草对该混剂的敏感性存在显著差异:红心藜Chenopodium album、龙葵Solanum nigrum和反枝苋Amaranthus retroflexus对该混剂最敏感,ED90值分别为47.65、71.67和29.17g/hm2;春蓼Polygonum persicaria和苘麻Abutilon theophrasti敏感,ED90值分别为96.91、114.20g/hm2;而番茄不敏感。

RAPD analysis was performed between a near-isogenic line Yr5/6× Avocet S carrying the resistance gene Yr5 against wheat stripe rust and its susceptible parent Avocet S,using the Yr5 gene donor parent Triticum spelta album as control.

以小麦抗条锈病基因 Yr5 的供体亲本Triticum spelta album作为对照,对近等基因系 Yr5/6×Avocet S和感病亲本Avocet S进行RAPD分析。

RAPD analysis was performed between a near-isogeni c line Yr5 /6 Avocet S carrying the resistance gene Yr5 against wheat stripe rust and its suscepti ble parent Avocet S,using the Yr5 gene donor parent Triticum spelta album as control.

以小麦抗条锈病基因 Yr5 的供体亲本Triticum spelta album作为对照,对近等基因系 Yr5/6 Avocet S和感病亲本Avocet S进行RAPD分析。

Software Description: Web Album Generator allows you to easily create an online picture gallery from your digital photos.

Web Album Generator 这是在Web上出版你的数字的相片的容易的方式。

When The Album reached enormous popularity in the U.K., it was scooped up and re-released by Britain's Timewarp label, which pegged the freshman effort as Jazz Album of The Year.

当"The Album"专辑引进英国后,迅速流行起来,于是英国老牌音乐公司Timewarp将其再次发行,并作为这一年的爵士乐专辑。

Album China - the largest network of online album design, professional album design top web, online album for the companies or enterprises to provide design, logo design, real estate Broche Design, corporate image design, logo design, VI design, production and printing, the main service in China and Southeast Asia.


88 Photo album 2 Viva erotica photo album 3 All about Leslie photo Album 4 Moonlight express photoalbum 5 Happy together photo album

1(88纯影集)[2][3]( LESLIE 的所有写真集)[4][5]

In addition, Album Cover Finder integrates with iTunes and can display the cover for the currently playing song on your desktop.

此外, Album Cover Finder 集成于 iTunes,并且可以在你的计算机桌面上显示当前正在播放的歌曲的封面。

When I was in the Just Jack hiphop label affixed, I also find themselves made a mistake, but I do not know how to correct such a mistake, started from the DJ Just Jack concerts give you a rap music Feeling, but also the United Kingdom than The Streets, Just Jack is right or more like a singing, and Just Jack has an indie folk singing voice, I would hope that he can really sing some of the flavor of a melody Works, but do not misunderstand me, it was precisely because in a beautiful album to add a lot of the rap part, seemed offensive, in the main song Starz In Their Eyes in, breakdance style of the song to song sounds More like a European dance music, the same Styles also reflected in another one song I Talk Too Much above, hiphop album of songs is another theme, the album from the start of the Glory Days, and then to Disco Friends and Lost Full of British-style hiphop, in more than half of the album, the album's tone and transferred to another like some indie, some folk feel, but also from time to time with some electronic elements, like this you have to listen to the music Hold On, that is, to the later, the album only gradually become the acoustic, into a sentimental, has become another Just Jack, Mourning Morning: Some of the flavor of the atmosphere, in particular, his included with the accompaniment of a string , The guitar more to increase the effectiveness of the appeal of the song, the album is the most outstanding works of the gas, and the last one of the songs have a similar Spectacular Failures of the same style, hidden track, and The Offspring of some punk rap categories have similar accidents .

当我在把 Just Jack 贴上hiphop标签之后,我发觉自己又犯了一个错误,但是我却不知道该如何去改正这样一个错误,从DJ起家的 Just Jack 的音乐会给你一种说唱音乐的感觉,但是比起同样是英国的The Streets, Just Jack 说得还是更像是唱,加上 Just Jack 有着一副唱indie民谣的嗓音,我倒希望他能够真正唱出一些有味道的有旋律的作品,但是也别误解我的话,正是因为在本来一张优美的专辑中加入了许多说唱的部分,所以显得有些唐突,在主打歌曲 Starz In Their Eyes 中,breakdance风格的曲子让歌曲听起来更像是一首欧洲舞曲,同样的曲风还体现在另外一首歌曲I Talk Too Much上面,hiphop的歌曲是专辑的另外一个主题,从专辑一开始的Glory Days,再到Disco Friends和Lost充满着英国式的hiphop,就在专辑过半的时候,专辑的基调又转到了另外一个样子,有些indie,有些民谣的感觉,还时不时加上一些电子的元素,喜欢这样的音乐你要听听Hold On,也就是到了后来,专辑才渐渐变成的acoustic,变成了sentimental,变成了另外一个 Just Jack ,Mourning Morning颇有些大气的味道,特别是他的配器加上了弦乐的伴奏,吉他的效果更加增加了歌曲的感召力,是专辑中最出色的作品之气,最后一首歌曲的Spectacular Failures同样有着类似的风格,hidden track和The Offspring的有些说唱类punk有着意外地相似。

We recorded the Blue Album together in 2003, also with my best friend Bruce Huron on saxophones, and Guy LeClaire on guitar.

2003年我们一起录制了《Blue Album》专辑,其中由我最好的朋友 Bruce Huron 担任萨克斯手,Guy LeClaire 担任吉他手。

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Breaker (8-Track Demo For The Album Breaker)
New Life (Album Intro)
Slaves Shall Serve (Album Version)
Family Album
La Passion (Album Version)
Album Intro
Theme From A NOFX Album
Unendlich (Album Mix)
This Album's Smoshtastic (Intro)
The Album's Done (Outro)

For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
