英语人>网络例句>aha 相关的网络例句
与 aha 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aha Don't u give it to me?

爱 aha 你不给我吗?

Because of the tremendous increase in the incidence of antibiotic-resistant infections in recent years — especially enterococci that are resistant to penicillins, ancomycin, and aminoglycosides — prior AHA guidelines that recommended these antibiotics for prophylaxis are no longer alid.


Material: wild lily, camomile, chayote distillate, Achyranthes bidentata Blume, dry balsam pear, vitamin E, vitamin PP, lacti-AHA.

成 份:野百合,甘菊,佛手精华,牛藤,苦瓜干,维他命 E ,维他命 PP , AHA 乳酸,保湿要素 B2,25%。

Sennacherib was succeeded by his son Esarhaddon (Ashur-aha-iddina), who had been governor of Babylonia under his father.


Grimm Aha...I think I've figured it out.


In a word, these results indicate that there were no any difference of spatiotemporal cortical activation patterns underlying the early stage of insight problem solving between Aha logogriphs and No-aha logogriphs. In the process of activating heuristic information and then hastening the onset of insight, LPFC/ACC played an important role, which may be associated with the breaking of mental set successfully and the forming of novel associations in insight. The "Aha" feeling mainly provoked the PCC brain region in the solving the logogriph at last.

综合实验6与实验7的结果,我们认为,在字谜解决的早期,"有顿悟"与"无顿悟"字谜所诱发的脑电并没有明显的差异,原型激活可能主要发生在字谜解决的1400 ms左右,字谜的成功解决在1400-2000 ms内导致了左侧额中回/扣带前回的更强激活,这可能与原型激活以后,被试利用启发信息,突破思维定势,形成新异联系的认知过程有关;随后在2000-2500 ms内,字谜的成功解决则诱发了强烈的情绪体验,导致了扣带后回的明显激活。

Efficiency: Unique active pearl whitening essence and AHA fruit acid essence, mildly relieve oily gloss and peel off

用途:独特的珍珠活性美白, AHA 果酸植物精华配方,温和去除面部油光和老化角质,清洁肌肤,疏

AHA fruit acid essence mildly removes the aging surface cells, activate and tenderize it.


Hb is the descending axis in the regulation of reproductory function from mPOA-AHA, septum, and the intact of Hb is the necessary factor of realizing the reproductory fun ction of limbic system.


The AHA's new guidelines depend upon a person's "discretionary calories"-- their calorie budget beyond what they need to run their bodies without overindulging.


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Say Aha

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
