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与 abnormally 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This finding gives a good explanation to some experiment results which were not understood previously, such as"additional temperature effects"meaning that the flashover voltages after air density correction still increase with the decrease of temperature, and the increment of AC flashover voltage over an insulating surface caused by increase of unit absolute humidity is abnormally high, etc.


Suffering from acrophobia; abnormally afraid of high places .


In the current study, Dr. Auchus' research group analyzed the records of 24 patients who underwent adrenalectomy at UT Southwestern between 2003 and 2006 because of abnormally high cortisol production.

在最新的研究中,博士auchus '研究小组分析了记录的24例接受肾上腺切除德克萨斯州大学西南之间, 2003年和2006年,由于异常高皮质醇生产。

Suffering from algophobia; abnormally afraid of pain.


Under certain circumstances, antifoam additives can be abnormally depleted.


The auberge and its ample pond pool, belted by aerial water-chutes, angle out abnormally adjoin the accustomed backdrop.


This indicates the volcanic rocks with the character of autunite alkalescence siries, LREE/HREE=4.31-14.60, with a mean value of 8.74,=3.72-16.16, with a mean value of 9.59, enrichment of LREE,δEu=0.61-1.11, with a mean value of 0.80, majority samples δEu.0, indicate Eu pronounced weak negative abnormalty or no pronounced Eu abnormally.


Though we know the war without smoke of gunpowder will be abnormally hard, we have the absolute confidence that we can obtain the victory in the end. We firmly believe that only after experiencing the baptizer of the "war" can Chinese media become the media tycoon attracting attention of the world in the future, create the special Chinese features of "the media industry made in China", and write a brilliant and immortal piece in the media history of the world.


Mechanical stress is distributed abnormally across the two cusps of these bicuspid valves causes them to "wear out" earlier than expected.


Dickinson was a spinster of thirty-one, birdlike in habit and appearance, with fine chestnut hair and abnormally wide-set eyes, whose color she compared to sherry.


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Abnormally Attracted To Sin

The commercials enigmatically depicted various scenes from what appeared to be a short narrative that climaxed with a car crashing into a swimming pool.


If you are wanting the best, designer gold and diamond necklaces are the very best.


Our country's deserts mainly lie in arid and semiarid areas, mostly with scarce precipitation and lack of water resource, neither natural vegetation with relatively strong drought-resistance capability nor plantation, like diversifolious poplar, dryland willow, shrubby sand willow, saxoul and Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz,etc., can be protected effectively, this leads to desertification area expansion and frequent sand storm, which seriously affect people's work and life.
