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与 Christmas 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday that marks the traditional birthdate of Jesus of Nazareth.


British ceremonious festival is Christmas, when Christmas comes, the whole family will get together, and say "the Merry Christmas!".

英国最隆重的节日是圣诞节,每当圣诞节来临,全家会团聚在一起,并相互说一声"Merry Christmas!"。

Westerners refer to Christmas when the postman or servants of the section to the ceremony, usually placed in a small box it, and are therefore known as the "Christmas Box".

指西方人过圣诞节时给邮差或佣人的节礼,通常放在一个小盒里,所以英文称为"Christmas Box"。

These are the gifts send to the postman and servant on the Christmas Day. Usually, they put the gifts into a small box. English called "Christmas Box".

指西方人过圣诞节时给邮差或佣人的节礼,通常放在一个小盒里,所以英文称为"Christmas Box"。

One of Barlow's first songs,"Let's Pray for Christmas," was a finalist in an original Christmas song competition on the BBC television show Pebble Mill.

Let's Pray for Christmas,作为他最初创作的歌曲之一是由BBC现场转播的圣诞歌曲比赛的冠军歌曲。

It has been busy for me in these two days at the most wonderful time of the year. but,likely to sit in front of the computer when i am feeling something special while as being myself.Christmas is making a bit of a comeback,so we can wish people 'Merry Christmas' instead of 'Season's Greetings'.I have had some figgy puddings on christmas day with Thomas after dinner, I used to call him as a 'fly bird' cause by he is extremely busy to fly around the world, however, it strongly makes me wonder the taste of Glenfiddich 30 year(sherry. fig. dark chocolate), but they have only got 15 year in stock. so. I became like a 'foreign Fig fruit' only got the chance by

今天受到华侨城洲际酒店的邀请来参加圣诞晚宴,现场布置的很宽敞,豪华,高大的圣诞树体现出隆重的节日气氛,以往都是由于工作以及会议的缘故光顾这里,没有机会停下脚步去感受一下周围的环境,不过今天来到这里,感到格外的轻松,晚宴准时开始,一首White Christmas作为隆重的开场,很是气派,听起来是那么的整齐,优美,Paul对大家的欢迎致辞,表现出了由衷感谢以及祝福,席间与列席的各界的精英们畅所欲言,都说酒逢知己千杯少,果不其然,今天我遇到了很多知己,和他们共饮Glenfiddich,他们那雀跃的神情,交谈着感受和体会,让我感受到了格兰菲迪的真谛与智慧给&人&(无论是欧美人,还是亚洲人)带来的影响,很欣慰,并能作为一种文化的传播者,感到无比的荣幸。

The Christmas theme of Pacific Place is Real Christmas Spirit this year. The historic Christmas bells are all over the place and around the corners. Along with a huge and gorgeous Christmas bell, they chime to remind you that Christmas is coming. Several Christmas events will be held to celebrate the festival and share the joyful moment with all shoppers.

今年圣诞太古广场以&Real Christmas Spirit&为主题,历史悠久的圣诞钟遍布商场每个角落及藉著华丽大型圣诞钟的清脆钟声向您预布佳节到临,由此亦幻化出一连串精彩节日表演,与购物人士一同体验普世欢腾的圣诞气氛。

In fact, there was a time when you couldn't display a sign which read Merry Christmas because of the religious meanings, but now it means Christmas is everywhere.

实际上,曾经一度,由于其宗教含义,你都不能陈列读音像是&Merry Christmas&的标语。不过现在,这个词语在任何地方的意思都是圣诞节。

Said they were pleased with the spending spree over the weekend, but they were still counting on Christmas Eve and post-Christmas business to meet holiday sales goals in what has turned out to be a nail biter of a season.


Penne Restad wrote a book "Christmas in America: A History." It shows how Americans began to slowly shape Christmas into a unifying national holiday during the first half of the nineteenth century.

佩恩。瑞斯塔德在其著作《 Christmas in America: A History 》中讲述了十九世纪上半叶美国人是如何开始慢慢地将圣诞节形成为全国统一的节日的。

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After All It's Christmas
A Song And A Christmas Tree (The Twelve Days Of Christmas)
Christmas Needs Love To Be Christmas
Christmas Ain't Christmas (Without The One You Love)
The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You)
Christmas To Christmas
Doo Wop Christmas (That's What Christmas Is All About)
Christmas Just Ain't Christmas Without The One You Love
Come On Christmas, Christmas Come On
Christmas Just Ain't Christmas Without You

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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
