歌词 "Where Idols Once Stood" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Where Idols Once Stood



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

our idols lay in ruins 我们的偶像躺在废墟

we'd have saved them if we could 我们会救他们,如果我们能

but we still choose to worship 但我们仍然选择崇拜

the places where our idols stood. 的地方,我们的偶像站。


still believing 依然相信

they can save us, 他们可以拯救我们,

I've lived this way too long to turn back now 我住这样太长立刻转身离开


Presuppositions set in stone 一成不变的前提

this coffin sealed by my own pride, 这个棺材由我自己的骄傲密封,

and though it seems the sun will shine, 虽然它看起来太阳会发光,

ill draw the shades and stay inside. 生病画的色调和留在里面。


if we've learned anything at all, 如果我们学会任何东西,

its that the ghosts of idols will do just as well 它是偶像的鬼会做一样好

we all see what we want to anyway [screams:] anyway 大家都看到我们想反正[尖叫: ]反正


some things 有些事情

are better left unsaid. 是说反而更好。

you know what's at stake 你知道什么是利害攸关

something's are better left unsaid 事情的是说反而更好

as long as we keep it 只要我们保持它

in textbooks, then well be untouchable, untouchable 在教科书中,则不失为碰不得,碰不得

we hate to lie to children, 我们讨厌说谎的孩子,

but after all its all 但毕竟其所有

for their own good. 对自己好。

歌词 Where Idols Once Stood 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/where-idols-once-stood/